Apple Roses for Mother's Day

Apple Rose Pastry is simple to make and so pretty. Fruity and delicious, they are a delight to have! Do you want to make Apple Roses?

These are the ingredients you will need:

Apples (I used pink lady), lemon, brown sugar, white granulated sugar, ground cinnamon, nutmeg, apple sauce, baking spray, powdered sugar.

... and two Puff Pastry Sheets.

Lets us make some Apple Rose Pastry!

1. Cut two apples in half, then slice thinly crosswise like so.

2. Put 2 cups water in the bowl. Squeeze one lemon in the water. Add the sliced apples. Then microwave it for 3 minutes. When done, drain the apples.

3. In a small bowl, combine 2Tablespoons brown sugar, 2Tablespoon white sugar, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, and 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon. Mix together well.

4. Add half of the sugar mixture to the apples, and mix well. Set it aside the other half of the sugar mixture for use in assembling the Rose Apples.

5. Take one Puff Pastry Dough. Strech it out with a rolling pin. Cut it into six pieces.

6. Brush one piece of the puff pastry with apple sauce. Lay 5 pieces of sliced apples, overlapping each other. Use more apple slices if needed. Drizzle with sugar mixture, then fold the pastry over.

7. Carefully roll the pastry starting from one end to the other. Place it in prepared muffin pan (sprayed with baking spray).

8. Repeat this process with the other puff pastry, until completely done.

9. Bake the Apple Roses in the middle rack of a preheated oven of 375 degrees Fahrenheit, for about 35 to 40 minutes.

10. Put Apple Roses in appropriate platter, and serve.

You may dust with powdered sugar.

Like this!

YUM! Delicious!

Here's a traditional recipe calling for the same number of apples in a cake:


Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.
Here's a bouquet of flowers for you!


Until my next post, stay sweet!

Love ya!

All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone6, unless specified.

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Hugs and Kisses πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™!!!!


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