Cast Iron Sunday : Bone in Ribeye


I hinted it at this meal on my beer saturday post; originally, we were going to cook our local meat CSA provided bone in ribeyes Saturday night, but the meat had yet to thaw. Fast forward to last night Sunday night, and the game plan was back on. Time to try something new for a meal preparation (short cut - it turned out pretty good).


I kept it easy, as I always do with steaks, and loaded both sides up with plenty of salt and pepper. I know some people like to put steak seasoning on ahead of time, but we prefer to keep it simple. Salt and pepper are really all that I need.

Next up, I took our avocado oil:


Then put a tablespoon into the cast iron and put it on high heat. Once the heat gave the oil a nice simmer and smoke, I seared each steak 2 minutes on each side:





Somehow, I managed to not set the smoke alarm off in the kitchen with all of the smoke pouring off. I then did something new; I transferred the steaks to baking sheet and placed to both steaks in the oven at 450F for an additional 10 minutes of cooking time.


That photo was a bit blurry as the wife was yelling at me keep the oven shut and not burn myself; hey, the things you have to do get a photo, right?

Once all was said and done, the finished product looked as such:


This meal turned out perfect with a bit of steamed broccoli as a side...look at that nice medium rare finish:


Served with a little Worcester sauce to boot, and this one was a wonderful new Sunday meal.

This is the first time I've attempted to cook a steak between the use of a cast iron and the oven. Typically, I use the charcoal grill, but with the weather glum and cold, I had to come up with a plan B. This plan B gets an A+ (cheesy, yes, but whatever!)

Thanks for taking a look! I always enjoy sharing our meals, and hope they inspire someone somewhere. Until the next #foodies adventure...

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