Caviar Butter - For When You Feel Slightly Bougie

Caviar Butter, butter of the bougie

We all fall into those seductive moods when we just feel a little special.....a brief moment where we want to embrace excess and indulgence.......there are times we all just want to be a little bougie....right?

Well, say no more I have the perfect thing to add some sophistication to your dinner engagement, friendly party, or just your midnight snack. I listed this as a recipe but honestly it is so simple that it only takes a few minutes and carefully combining a couple of elements.

Romanoff Vodka Lumpfish Caviar

The only things you need for this delicacy of excess is any time of caviar you fancy and room-temperature whipped butter. That's it! Throw this together and add a set of pearls to your PJs and your ready to snack like royalty.

It is important that you have the whipped butter at room temperature in order to be able to manipulate it fairly easily. I buy the butter already whipped, but you can do this by just taking softened butter and mixing it on high in pulses until it develops peaks and a light fluffy consistency.

Make sure the whipped butter is room temperature!

Next, you take a teaspoon or so (depending on how strong you want the caviar flavor to permeate the butter, may need to experiment a bit) of caviar and GENTLY fold it into the softened whipped butter. If you are not patient and careful with this step you are going to have inedible caviar mush. If you are too rough with the folding of the caviar into the butter, the beads of caviar will collapse and become a liquid consistency paste and divine element that makes this condiment so exquisite is the experience of the individual beads bursting as you taste them!

Don't not mix this with a heavy hand!  It must be gently folded

I normally use the larger salmon roe caviar as it is much more striking in appearance and presentation but due to supply chain issues, the small Romanoff Vodka Lumpfish caviar was all that was available. It is also important to refrigerate the portion of this you do not use if you plan on utilizing it later. This caviar butter is perfect for charcuterie boards, on crackers, as part of a "finger food" night, and, my favorite execution, as topping for the perfectly seared ribeye!

If you've ever wanted to make your friends raise and eyebrow at your dinner party.....then this is the dish for you. Simple, beautiful, and best of all.....a little bit bougie!

Let me know if you try this or whether you think this is a great idea or should be scraped into the trash...lololol Thanks for reading!

My only contribution to the entire spread my amazing wife created for Christmas Eve

All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter,
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

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