Being Fancy with Family: Bananas Foster with Buttermilk Pancakes for Breakfast

Hello there, outwars here. In this post I will share about the fun and interesting breakfast I had with my family. My brother-in-law was coming over, and he likes to cook. Since our niece requested his special pancakes, he was more than happy to make it. I've had countless pancakes before, and I can say this one is a bit more special than the ones I've had.


We first started with the pancakes. Instead of just regular batter, we decided to add buttermilk, and make buttermilk pancakes. Making the batter is pretty straightforward. Whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together in a bowl. Afterwards, pour the buttermilk, eggs, and melted butter into the mixture. My brother-in-law has made this loads of times so he was pretty much eyeballing most of the measurements.


While we were working on that, my sister started peeling and slicing bananas. This is the first time they were making Bananas Foster, and they were excited to make it. From what I can tell, our version is very similar to a popular Filipino snack called Banana Cue. It is basically fried bananas with caramelized sugar. The big difference is that Bananas Foster uses Rum as well.


For the pancake sauce, they didn't want to just use maple syrup. That's why we made Pineapple Puree. While Philippine Pineapples are the best, Hawaiian pineapples come close. This should add a flavorful twist to our pancakes. It also helped that this is one of the steps that our niece helped in, which she enjoyed.


About halfway through our batch of pancakes, we found some chocolate chips/morsels in the pantry and decided to make chocolate chip buttermilk pancakes. Our niece was even more excited to eat her pancake now. For protein, we decided to have bacon. Everyone is pretty much in agreement that you can't go wrong with bacon for breakfast.


After a while, it became time for the main event. My brother-in-law placed rum in the Bananas Foster, and started to Flambé it. Similar to what we see in movies or restaurants, a roaring flame erupted and engulfed the bananas. The flame lingered for a few seconds and eventually disappeared. My niece was very happy with the sudden fire show that she saw.

We were prepared for it, but it was still crazy how a short outburst of flame triggered the fire alarm of the house. We immediately started fanning air out to the window nearest the alarm, and it eventually stopped after a few seconds.


It was then time to eat our cooking. The pancakes were simply delicious. It was fluffy, and the pineapple puree combined with maple syrup provided a complex mix of flavors that makes you want to eat more. The bacon added a crunchy texture and a salty flavor that really goes well with the pancakes. The Bananas Foster were infinitely better than Banana Cue, and served as a perfect dessert.


This is by far one of the most special breakfasts I've had. Most of the dishes were rather simple, but the amount of love and effort that came into cooking these dishes is what made it special. For my niece, I can only imagine that this will become one of her unforgettable memories that she can look back on when she gets older.

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