Menudo for the Soul

I'm a big foodie, and I'm so happy to share this with you as my first post in this community.

I grew up in a big city, where good food from every culture was available. I now live in a small-ish city. It's a hour north of the Bay Area, so I'm not too far away from culinary exploration.

When I found out that a Mexican restaurant in my city offered a brunch buffet, I was ecstatic. I love Mexican food, and I have not seen Mexican restaurants offer a buffet before.

Everything there was so good, and I ended my meal with a menudo that warmed my soul. The broth was so flavorful with a mild taste of spiciness and chili oil, and the soup was packed with tripe.


I just love how tripe is soft and chewy like gelatin, but firmer. The tripe absorbed the flavors from the broth. I added some onions, cilantro, and lime to give the soup some acidity to cut the fat. The menudo was heavenly, and I cannot wait to revisit and show you the rest of the menu.

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