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Beef Vein Meatballs

Hello culinary lovers, do you like this one food.


I think this food is familiar, and almost all people like it.
Meatballs are the easiest food to find around us.
There are various kinds of processed meatballs such as chicken meatballs, beef meatballs, shrimp meatballs, tofu meatballs and maybe many other meatballs.
The average meatball seller previously used a wheelbarrow or carried it when selling, but with the development of today's era, there are many restaurants that sell meatballs.


This is one of the restaurants that sells meatballs, so it's rare for meatball traders to sell around house to house.

Incidentally today I went to eat meatballs in this place, this is a meatball restaurant near my house. At first every time I passed in front of this shop it was always crowded with buyers, it made me wonder...

"Are the meatballs here so delicious that there are so many buyers."

And sure enough it turned out that the meatballs that were sold were very tasty. Today I ordered beef tendon meatballs, I ordered it because there is only one meatball menu here. Beef tendon meatballs are meatballs mixed with veins.




It's a shame that this restaurant only provides meatballs from beef.
If there were egg balls, I would definitely buy them too.
Meatballs are usually served with a mixture of bean sprouts, mustard greens, yellow noodles and vermicelli noodles. But I only ordered meatballs with vegetables, because I think using noodles will make me full and I can't finish this food.

Meatballs are also delicious to eat with rice, have you ever tried it?



In this meatball bowl I add chili sauce, and sweet soy sauce, the seller also provides vinegar but I don't add it.
I don't know what it will taste like I have never tried eating meatballs with added vinegar.

Actually I'm not a meatball lover but I like to eat it when my head is spinning and the weather is raining.

Because I think the spicy and hot sauce will make our bodies warm, and if my head is dizzy it will reduce the pain a little. Ha.... ha... haaa.... maybe this sounds very silly and funny.

For the price of one bowl of meatballs is 10,000 rupiah, it's very cheap, we can already enjoy these delicious meatballs.

Thank you for reading my post today, I hope you like it. See you again with my other posts. Reblog this post if you like it and I deserve it.



Who is Dwi Purwandari?

Dwi Purwandari is an ordinary housewife, she doesn't have many activities at home so she is bored. Recently, he started to learn to write, because according to her, writing is a way for her to relieve stress, can improve his mood and can express her feelings as he wants by writing. She has a dream that one day he can become a successful person by writing. Be proud of you because you can write,because not everyone is able to become a writer.

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