Level up your sweet potato with this quick and easy snack recipe

Happy Friday hivers!!!!

Hello food lovers!!How's everyone here?I hope you are all doing great today.
No matter what you are facing right now ,believe and trust God that everything will be okay.
Life must go on ,be happy and be positive always.

My mother in-law was craving a sweet potato last day ,when she went to the market ,she saw someone selling a sweet potato and since our sweet potato garden does'nt have yet fruits ,to make her cravings be satisfied she bought some sweet potato.

So this morning ,my mother in-law boiled it ,supposedly I will be the one who will cook it but then we went to my son scholl coz were having a meeting.

Our common way of cooking sweet potato is just a simple one which is to boiled it.

We,who experienced eating sweet potato for meal will be looking it when the time that we can afford to buy other food aside of it.
When I was a kid ,I honestly most of the time feels sad whenever I saw a sweet potato in our table for meal ,as a kid who really likes to eat rice with viand for meal , that what's I feel.
But when I started growing ,I realized that we were blessed coz still we have something to eat and that's what my father always said that we must be thankful and grateful for what we have.

And this time even if we are not yet rich or we are not rich ,I feel a little happiness in my heart thinking that the food I wanted to refused to eat back then is my cravings for now.

I think I had already a long introduction hahaha,okay let's proceed to my main topic which is the sweet potato recipe.

Actually ,I did this recipe because of boredoms lol!
We don't have electricity this afternoon and no internet connection when I saw the left over boiled sweet potato from this morning ,I decided to make a another recipe from it.



-Boiled sweet potato (I used 3pieces small size sweet potato)
-cooking oil



By the way ,I just estimated the ingredients I used for this recipe.

First mash the boiled sweet potato.


Then add 1 spoon of cornstarch and mix.

I did'nt add sugar or condensed milk as I tried now to less the sugar for the food I eat but If you like ,you can add some of it for a better taste.

Slice the cheese anyway ,were going to use it as a filling for our mixture.


Just scoop 1 spoon of the mixture and flattened it and put the slice cheese on the center of it.


Then roll it with breadcrumbs but since I don't have it ,I used cornstarch instead of breadcrumbs.


Repeat the procedure until you done making a roll of it.


Then you can start frying.

And since it's already cooked ,it is easily to fry ,then just flip the other side when it turned brown.


And here it is.....




Look at my son who did'nt like to eat a sweet potato but likes toe at this recipe hihi.

And that's it for today ,I hope you learn something from my blog ,have a great Friday!!!

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