Traditionally preserving fish


Rivers are everywhere in the village and so a lot of people go there with their hook and net to get fish that they need for food while others fish for business.
So my uncle called us where we went to the rice farm, informing us that he bought a fish that was just gotten from the river, he asked that we come home to prepare the fish.

Well, soon I got home to see a bowl of three fishes, I was told it was four fishes but my mom already made this delicious fish pepper soup with one of them:


So we were left with three in the bowl of water, but since we didn't want to keep them or raise them, we wanted to preserve them for a long time so that we can use them for soups in the future.


Well, I said I'm going to set the fire to roast one of them.


Setting fire in the woods is not all that difficult anymore for me like before so I easily did it this time.

I had to make sure the fire is not too much so as not to get the fish burned


My mom helped me to cut the fish to the desired shaped we needed so that the fish can easily be roasted.


I knew I had to add salt and pepper to it so as to make it tastier and the salt will help in preserving the fish.


It took hours for the fish to dry and the skin to be crispy, I made sure to flip it from time to time so that both sides get well dried up and the inner part gets brown and thickens.



"Look at it mom, is it done yet?" I asked my mom, wanting to be sure the fish was ready.
She said yes it's ready for today but each day that we're done with cooking on the wood we will put the fish to heat up.

Well I was happy the fish was done for the day, it felt as if I've achieved something for the day hehe.


Preserving fish the traditional way was an incredible experience! Not only did I learn a valuable skill from my mom, but we also got to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The roasted fish turned out deliciously flavorful and crispy, and I'm excited to use it in future meals.

Thank you for staying till this point...and see you next time 🤗

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