Greatest Breakfast of All Time

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Some said that's a marketing scheme used by cereal producers to market their product. To me, breakfast is something I really await in my day. Since these days I am back to counting calorie lifestyle, I decided to find a breakfast that's really worth eating for the next 3 months. I want to maintain eating 1200cal a day with 60 minutes workout daily.

I don't have vices other than snacking and stress eating.Nowadays, I learned to tackle that problem by drinking green tea at night to keep me full. Snacking is still difficult but if I really want to snack,from the last 3 days I have been eating digestive cookies that has 100cal / 3 serving.

My sleeping time is rather fucked. I go to bed at 7 am- 1 pm. That's about 6 hours a day sleep. Actually, I eat before I go to sleep which is at 6 am. Then, I will eat the next meal at 7 pm. So in a day, I only eat twice with snacking in between. I stop eating at 8 pm and only drinking water or tea after that. Anyway, wha I am referring to the Greatest breakfast of all time is my daily routine eating porridge.

This Indonesian porridge has everything I need to function after waking up. It has 372 calorie and I add about 8 quail eggs which is about 94 calorie. This breakfast is filling. If you have a bad day or been waking up for whole night, this is the soul food.


There's small amount of chicken, peanuts, leek and also fried onion. It is also low seasoned and there's bit of pepper but you can always request to exclude it. A portion of this porridge cost 12000 IDR which is about 0.99$. Some people, like my dad is disgusted with porridge but to me, this is the best food to maintain my weight and having calorie below 1500 while still functioning normally. Eating this with green tea in the morning is great. I don't care what you gonna say. I have tried it all and so far, this is what works. I try to keep my weight loss simple since it's my baby steps after overeating with 2000-2500cal/day. And so, this is gonna be my daily meal for the next 3 months. If in 3 months, I don't see progress, I am willing to change the breakfast but for now, this is my experiment.

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