I’m going to share, how i cook my shrimp ~
I’m not a cook, but i know the basics since mom taught me how,
Every time mama brings shrimp at home, I’m automatically the chef ~
cause it’s the only one she trust in my cooking 😆
just kidding, i know how to cook if i just follow a video on youtube and if i have the right ingridients,
and speaking of ingredients here it is :
- Shrimp
- Onion
- Garlic
- Buttercup
- Oystersauce
you can use any type of butter if you have one you like, as for me this is what im used to in buying or all i know, char nah ~ it’s the cheapest compared to the others
this will serve as our oil and it depends on how much you put into, i love my shrimp to be buttery,
after it melted down, i dump the garlic, stirring it till you think it’s a little golden brown
dumping the next ingridient which is the onion, I call it “The bully” why? because it makes you cry while slicing it, but i think it’s just a revenge of it since we are slicing and making use of the violet little one,
Oncce you think it’s time to put the shrimp then put it in there! 😆 and to make it more delicious such as yourself 😉 dump that oyster sauce in your estimated taste
stir it till everything is orangey ~ and pour water if you want to have a saucy shrimp but it’s just optional since the shrimp is producing it’s own water, but i like mine to be very wetty and saucy, if you know what i mean 😉 and don’t forget to put a little salt ~ to make it salty
just don’t forget to taste it and adjust what is needed to adjust with the flavor
I didn’t find our big cover for the pan, so i just picked a different one and just fit everything in,