I Made Lemon Pepper Seasonings And Tried It On My Chicken Wings


May 9, 2023

"I may not be the best cook, I don't have the best recipe, but I like experimenting with new tastes of flavors and regardless of the result, they are best for me."

I admit I am not good at cooking and for one, I am a trying-hard chef who likes experimenting with food and failed most of the time, lol. I once dreamed to have a cafe, but I can't even make a perfect pancake and I can't drink coffee every day 🤣. Anyway, it's just a random/nonsense intro because the main topic for today is my recently cooked recipe. Although it is quite a common recipe you can see online, I felt grateful that things went well and I even made something that was added to my cooking seasonings.

My favorite part of chicken is the mid-joint wings, and I love eating them in whatever style of cooking. But I liked the fried ones the most. I like its natural flavor inside and the crunchiness of skin outside. It's juicy and flavorful. We happen to have some chicken wings in the freezer imported from Thailand. I liked its quality and they truly look fresh. The meat is so soft and clean, and not the same as those zombie-frozen-like chicken wings sold in supermarkets. Someone called those as zombies so I called them that way as well, lol.

The main ingredient for today's recipe is lemon. The first recipe that popped into my mind when I saw lemon in the market was to cook chicken wings with lemon and honey. But since our honey isn't open yet, I didn't mind touching it. I thought of another style of cooking and stumbled upon a post about lemon pepper chicken wings using homemade lemon pepper seasonings. Although the seasoning can be bought in supermarkets, I know it's hard to find such and I didn't want to explore the whole neighborhood just to find it.

Using other herbs on hand, I pursued this recipe as I was excited to taste lemon pepper chicken wings. Apart from lemon, other ingredients include dried parsley, thyme, ground pepper, and Italian herbs which contains basil and other herbs. Butter will be used for frying the chicken later.

Making homemade lemon pepper seasonings

Using the fresh lemon, I tried making lemon pepper seasonings and I must say that I successfully did it after two attempts, lol. This seasoning has so good fragrance and you can try it at your home too. You can use this in baking, grilling, or frying meat or fish. I haven't tried using it in cooking vegetables, but I guess it will taste good as well.

The first thing to do is to peel the lemon skin out retaining the white parts, just purely the yellow skin. Then bake the skin slices until they get dry.

Make sure not to put it on high temperature as my first attempt failed. The lemon skin got burnt and so I tried another one.

This time, I made sure to check it from time to time, and the color must still be yellow after the process. It was at 100° temperature and I baked for about ten minutes. It turned out so well. Guys, you must try this. The scent of lemon skin when baking was sooo good! It excites me to try it on my chicken wings.

The next process should be grinding the skin, unfortunately, we have no grinder or blender at home so I did it manually. I chopped them so finely and then pounded them by putting inside a Ziploc plastic. It wasn't pulverized well as there were still quite big granules of dried lemon skin. So I just let it be.

Next is to mix the powdered dried lemon skin with other herbs - parsley, thyme, Italian herbs, and ground black pepper. I was too excited at that moment as I truly loved the scent of the herb combination.

Next is to marinate the chicken wings with lemon pepper seasonings. I added some salt to add more flavor to the chicken wings. I marinated it for about 30 minutes. But the longer the marination time, the better the taste.

I placed the chicken wings on the baking rack to prepare for baking. You can also drizzle it with olive oil for a better scent and taste. But this is optional.

After half an hour, I wasn't getting the desired color and texture yet, so I took the chicken out of the oven and sliced some lemon and butter. I want a golden brown color and juicy meat inside so I opted to fry them.

For those who have no oven, you can proceed to this process after marinating the chicken.

Toss the butter into a pan followed by the chicken wings. Stir gradually to avoid burning the chicken.

Do it until the skin turns golden brown. Then toss the slices of lemon inside and cook while stirring for 3-5 minutes more. Lastly, sprinkle more lemon pepper seasonings for more fragrance.

Here it is! Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings using my homemade lemon pepper seasonings. It smelt sooo great!! But the taste?

The taste may not be perfect, but it was great and better than my other experimental cooking, lol. If you want more sour flavors, I recommend you add lemon juice to the marinade and more salt. Nevertheless, I was satisfied with the result and I finished the food quite fast because I liked the taste and scent, haha.

The remaining seasoning was saved for later use. I found an empty pepper bottle where the remaining seasonings were stored. The next day, I opted to buy some pork chop to test if the seasoning tastes good on the pork as well.

This time, I added more seasonings, salt, and lemon juice. It was marinated for long hours from morning to night in the fridge.

I baked it in the evening, and the result was so great. Since I added some baking soda, the meat was soft and tender.

I hope you likes this recipe. You should give it a try. For sure, you will love it!

Happy cooking and thanks for stopping by.



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