The Cure.....

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Yesterday I had a dream (if only an imaginary one and during the day) Sis bought me a lottery ticket and so I got to spend the afternoon twirling around what I could do with some millions in my head, while I went about my normal business of life.

It seems someone in Illinois was the sole winner of the lottery. I can't imagine what it would be like to be them right now. Stunned disbelief I'm betting, intermingled with a bit of joy and a lot of screaming and jumping around...LOL I realize winning big has been a gift to some and a curse to others, but what would be the fun in entertaining the negative side? We'll pretend it will all go well for them and hope that it does.


This morning I needed to go to the Post Office. I had ordered another piece of art and it had been delivered on Thursday, well, it had and it hadn't. The artist had somehow managed to send me the wrong piece, so I was dropping it off to go back. In the mean time she has re-sent the right one.... well... we'll see....LOL.... anyway....

I normally don't get dressed or leave the house till noon at the earliest on Saturdays, because I like to have lazy mornings, sipping coffee, playing on the internet or watching art videos...or something fun like that. Our Post Office here in our small town is only open from 9 am till noon on Saturday and is only open during my working hours during the week, so I got dressed early to go get it done.

It made it a little better when I remembered last night that I still had gift cards left from Christmas for the local biscuit place, so I imagined going there after I dropped off the package and coming home with a delish porkchop biscuit as a reward for getting dressed early. 😂 That didn't quite work out though. I headed to the biscuit shop. It has a great drive-through (most of the times). I was on the opposite side of the road and got in the turn lane to go in, but the line was out to the street, so I waited... and waited.... and while I was waiting, I couple of cars had come from the other direction and partially turned in, blocking not only the drive, but traffic on their side of the road (two lanes on that side, so not totally blocking the whole road). They not only blocked where you would need to turn in for the drive through, but they also blocked the part of the drive where you should have been able to turn in, park and walk inside instead. While sitting there, I noticed only one car coming out after having been served, so obviously something was going wrong inside as they usually get you in and out of the drive through in a very quick time. I decided to leave that plan behind, pulled back into traffic on my side of the road and headed towards home.

Within a few blocks I had another plan, go to DG and see if they had a package of the old style cherry cinnamon buns like there use to be when I was a child. Of course those haven't been anywhere near as good as they were back then for many years, but I thought I could make do. I have seen them at DG many times. I did hesitate knowing I would have to buy a whole package, which I certainly don't need, but still, I headed to DG anyway. The first store didn't have them... phooey... so I went to the second one, which really isn't that far away, because I have two fairly close to my house. When the second one didn't have them either.... wah !..... I was about to head home and carry on with my day without a fun food prize.

Within a few blocks I decided to go to the donut shop instead. Certainly they would have something terrible enough to heal the loss of a lottery dream. I should have gone there right after the biscuit place.

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Talk about some mental healing meds ! They've got them all !

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The only bad thing about this place, is how do you decide which one ???


Who are we fooling?? There is no such thing as just getting one.

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OMGoodness.... right ?

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Before I got there I had planned to get one of these fat SINnamon rolls. LOL....and I did. Isn't that beautiful? Eye candy... food art....

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It seems I also couldn't leave behind one of these maple bacon donuts.

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...and since 3 is better than two, I also bought this beautiful croissant to make a sandwich with later today or tomorrow.. or some time.


So I brought the cinnamon roll to my computer desk, cut a wedge and started to download my photos for this post. It shouldn't have taken long, but I took a lot of photos and going through for just the right ones took a while.

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That was ok though as I had fresh coffee and this divine bun by my side.

I had taken about 3 bites while working along on my post, but at some point stopped and decided this simply wasn't wicked enough for a total healing, so I put it back in it's bag and went back to the kitchen for the maple bacon.

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Ahhhhh... there..... I'm feeling the healing kicking in.


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There is only one small bite left on the plate with some icing and bacon crumbs and my fork. I think I will be able to go forward now.

I don't know what else this day has in store for me. A little cleaning up a few things in the house, maybe a little art video watching, maybe some painting, maybe not.... the day is open and I like it that way.

Hope yours is somehow a special one.

Love you ! Mean it !


I've never had one of the below pastries, I think it is lemon cream in the inside, but I'm really not sure. If I remember, I think maybe I will try one of these next time. It makes a pretty photo though, doesn't it? mmmMMMMmmmmm

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