Sublime Beautiful Sunday | Hokkaido Tiramisu Ice Cream

It's Sunday... And it's time for another Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday. So, I'm trying something new this week. Something out of the box, something different, something wild, something odd and who knows where this Sunday will lead us.

And for this Sunday, it brought me to Hokkaido Cheese Tart, a place which I wouldn't think I would find myself there. And yet, somehow as I walked along Nguyen Hue today, the sight of Hokkaido Cheese Tart caught my eye. More precisely, it was the banner that stood outside the shop that caught my interest. I've always knew that they sold ice cream but it never occurred to me to try.


I'll be honest ! I was planning to get myself an ice cream cone from McDonalds which was across the road but since they ran out of stock, I decided to give Hokkaido a chance. After all, I have been hearing a lot of positive reviews about their ice cream. It cost VND36,000 as compared to McD's ice cream of VND5,000. Guess, one does pay for the brand.

There were 3 flavours - coffee, cheese or tiramisu and since I don't fancy cheese or coffee; tiramisu was my only option. Which by the way was an excellent choice.


It was creamy and taste fantastic. I'm glad that I decided to try their ice cream. I would rate this on the same level as Baskin Robbins, something of a mid luxury level ice cream which can be enjoy once a while. Well, there goes my Sunday walkabout filled with cold, creamy ice cream from Hokkaido Cheese Tart. 😘

Let's see what next Sunday will bring... Oh yes ! It would be 2021 next week. Guess it's farewell 2020


#SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a while #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108. Both of whom share similar wonderful thoughts of how Sundays should be for all of us.

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