FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY | Another way to enjoy avocado

Avocados ! Avocados ! Avocados !

That's what I've been having for the last three weekends and also what I've been posting as well. Maybe a bit too frequent but there's just so many things to share about this new found Vietnamese fruit. It's just so amazing to see this fruit at the local wet market and the prices are so affordable that it seemed sinful not to enjoy more of this fruit.


I've had it on its own and even made a salad with it. But this weekend, I decided to indulge in it differently. I went to the supermarket and got myself a bottle of locally made honey, a box of thin biscuits and a jar of blueberry jam. In my mind, I was already planning on how to enjoy this fruit in the next few days.


But, for the last few days, I decided to enjoy it with some honey. A slight drizzle of honey poured all over the avocado; after removing the seeds. I have to say, it taste wonderful since avocados are tasteless but when mixed with honey; it's the perfect combination. Though, I have heard that some people uses thick condensed milk as a replacement. Not sure if there are any organic or vegan based condensed milk. Then again, even if there was, I doubt I would try this combination.


I wonder if one can overdose on avocados ? I mean I eat like 2 to 3 avocados weekly. If it's not avocados, I'll be having rambutans or guavas. Whatever it is, I'm sure getting lots of Vitamins😍

I'll definitely share more in my next post. Hope you enjoy my photo taken from my Huawei


Come & join FRUITS & VEGGIES MONDAY by @lenasveganliving
• Take and post at least 3 photos of fruits and vegetables. (It can be variety or just one kind from the garden, supermarket or anywhere you wish, PLANT BASED RECIPES ARE WELCOMED).
• One entry only!!!
• Text must be at least 100 words.
• Use hashtag #fruitsandveggiesmonday
• Mention the creator @lenasveganliving, the host @plantstoplanks and the title FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY

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