Medley Of Meals: Concotions Of The Recent Past


Since I'm getting my act together and learning to post on the different dApps, it's time to publish my first post here on Foodies Bee Hive.

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As a first post, this collection of meals serves as a good memory of how well we've eaten over the past couple months. It also brings together the dinners I've shown outside of the platform to FoodiesUnite!

BBQ Baby-Back Ribs


While the following posts are much too old to receive any votes on, they're still fun to take a look at. Reminiscing about food is good to do, except maybe when hungry.

These babies were a treat not too long after we moved to our new townhouse. They came together with mash potatoes and salad to make a round meal.


BBQ Chicken Wings


Not seen in the feature image! Nevertheless, these chicken wings are cheap by large quantity from CostCo and always a family favorite.


There's a link to the original post above and a close-up of the wings as they were nearing perfection. Mmmm, those drumsticks were soft and delicious.

Homemade Pretzels


Hours of effort from my wife one day went into making these soft pretzels. Both our boys had fun with it, helping to roll the dough and such. Once the pretzels were formed and the dough ready, they went into the frying pan.


Rib Eye Steak That Same Night

If you follow the link to the pretzel post above, you'll see. This was a dual post showing off the Rib Eye steaks we cooked later that night. Pretzels and steaks? Mmmm.


Some corn on the cob is cooking in tin foil on the top rack to boot! This meal made for one of the better dinners as steak is usually a rare (medium rare) treat.


Rib Eye, corn, mashed potatoes, and salad rounded out the meal to perfection. We staggered away from the table that night.

Bacon Avocado Cheeseburgers

Last but not least is another one of our sometimes favorites. Sometimes we cook up plain cheeseburgers but not this time. You can see from happenings in the stove top that this is true.


Buns browned over the grill illustrate the point even further. They scream NO ORDINARY CHEESEBURGER!


Hunger may strike once you view the final build of the burger all put together. Hope you have something ready to eat!!!


One last look from a top view and I'm ready to sign off. Grilled onions on top along with avocado and bacon are making my mouth water bad!


Hope you enjoyed the journey back in food! Thanks for viewing and as always.....


Images Courtesy Of My Galaxy S10+
Bottom Image Courtesy Of Brand Assets


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