Simple cooking for little one // Chinese Omelette Minced Pork

Yay! Finally, my youngest son is able to eat meat without regurgitate or gagging. Time to cook something he likes and also time to eat some soft rice.

Omelette Minced Pork with Rice!

After one week of not eating protein, we figured he needed to catch up with protein intake. So I thought of this dish. He likes fried omelette (not overly fried). He likes Chinese style minced pork stir fry. So, I combined both in one. Haha! So that I just needed to wash one pot. Not sure was this called being lazy or being smart!


Firstly, cooked the omelette! I used three eggs!

Thoroughly beat them up and added some water too to soften the egg. Seasoned with salt and pepper. In a small pot and enough oil, fried the omelette.

I wanted to let him eat some root vegetables, he was encouraged to eat root vegetable more than leafy vegetables. Carrot it was! Usually, I would add in potatoes too, but he had eaten quite a lot of mashed potatoes yesterday. Chop the carrots up. Also prep some onions and garlic.

In the same pot with some leftover oil, stir fry the onions and garlic till aromatic.

Then, added in the minced pork which I had marinated earlier with soy sauce and corn flour. And continue stir frying.

After this, I added in the carrots, followed by some oyster sauce.

Fry them up to mix well the meat, carrot and oyster sauce.

Having done the above step, now the omelette went in, also added some water because I wanted this dish to have soupy gravy, for my son to eat with the rice, that way, the food would not be so dry. Or it would help to soften the rice a little.

Softer food is easier for him now, who just recovered from some bowel complication.

I let the omelette and minced pork to simmer for about 3 minutes, added in a little more salt as I wanted it saltier. Just look at how simple and appetising it was. He could smell the fragrance and came to see me cook! The amount was enough for both his lunch and dinner!

He enjoyed this dish with a small bowl of rice! Way to go, Jansen. Eat and gain back those lost weight!

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