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Make traditional Ulen food from glutinous Rice

Sticky rice food or snacks have around for for generations, this is familiar. One of wich is in West Java. This food is usually served on big days like Eid, or celebration event.


To make stiky rice lake, the ingredient are withe glutious rice. Peeled and grated young coconut, enough salt, coconut milk if necessery and boiling water.


The step, wast glutinous rice, soak about three hours longer is better after soaky, prepare a steaming, then add the sicky rice steamed. Prepare the coconut milk and pour it on the bascom.


Sprinkle salt to taste, add coconut milk it necessary. Then stik well, after the glutious rice is shing, then remove the sticky rice then pour it into the basin.


Give the coconut a stir until the place is even , add two cups of boiling water, stir again. And steam again for about 30 minute.


After cooking remove pour in a basin , then until soft. Then pour into a wide, then let it stand wait a few hours.



Then the sticky rice can be fried until the surface is dry, fry in boiling, wait until it's dry, and remove the sicky rice ready to serve. Thank you.

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