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Make Crispy Fried Squid

Happy greetings everyone,
Thank you for Foodies bee hive Community, I'm allowed to share the recipe for crispy fried squid, animal product originating from the sea are like by some people.


Such as fish, shrimp, squid and other, marine animals have high protein, and can be eaten cook a variety of dishes, one of wich is fried.

This time I will try to make crispy fried squid cooked simply, as for the spices used such as ingredient,

  • 300 grams of squid
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of mushroom broth
  • 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder.


Dry dough ingredient using,

  • 6 tablespoon of ready flour use
  • 2 tablespoon of cornstarch.


Cooking process,
Step 1 , was the squid thoroughly, remove the content of the stomach coat with lime mix well, let stand 15 minute, then rinse again until clean.


Step 2, cut the squid according to taste, put the squid in the container, add the garlic powder, pepper powder,salt,mushroom broth, mix well, store in the refrigerator for about 1 hours. Then mix the eggs with the squid and mix well.





Step 3, mix ready to eat flour, add cornstsrch stir, then squid that has been coaled with spices add eggs, add to flour, while stirring.


Step 4, heat the oil in a frying pan or teflon, enter the squid that has been mixed with flour until cooked, and lift,serve with tomato ssuce seasoning according to taste.



Thank you.

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