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Eat chicken noodles and how to serve it

Food lover, If you are bored with eating rice,try to find a substitute such as eating chicken noodles. Culinary noodles food come from china, and developed in several Countries such as Indonesia.


Of course the taste and seasoning is adjusted to the lical, I tried to eat chicken noodles in one corner of the City, while ordering chicken noodles see how it is served.

This chicken noodles seller has been selling for a long time and the noodles are made by the traders them selves using high protein wheat flour. This chicken noodles trade has been selling in strategice places for a long time.

Toping noodles using cooked chicken stir-fry with other spices,then there is the vegetable cecim,soy sauce seasoning,sesame oil,salt sauce and seasoning.

The way of serving that, I see is like, Step 1, there is a place for boiling water,enter the cecim vegetables,wait until half cooked,



Step 2, remove the cecim vegetables and put them in the bowl,the bowl already has sweet soy sauce,sesame oil.



Step 3, boil one cup of ready noodles,put is in boiling water,wait a few minutes,


Step 4, remove the cooked noodles and put it in a bowl over the cecim vegetables,then stired using a small bamboo stick until it turns brownish.


Step 5, enter the topping in the small pieces of chicken that have been stir fried,and given additional additions,namely deemplings. This chicken noodles has a delicious taste and is widely liked.


Thank you.

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