FOODIES BEE HIVE COMMUNITY: My Food Review at Jollibee the famous Fast Food Chain of the Philippines during our Baby King2x's 3rd Birthday Celebration 🎊🤗😇😊


Have a blessed day everyone!

Hello to all Food Lovers and Greetings from the Philippines! 😇

I am happy to be here again in the community and I am here sharing another Food Review with one of the very known Fast Food Chain here in my country, and this is the very famous Jollibee.

I have been in this Fast Food Chain for how many times already but this time is very special as together with me are my Mama and my nephew who just celebrated his 3rd Birthday here in the establishment.

We have decided to bring our Baby King2x to treat him on his Birthday and this is the first ever that we did his birthday celebration in Jollibee. When we were here, our Baby King2x is very happy as I look on his face.

After we arrived at the Fast Food Chain and took some photos here, I then go to the counter and ordered some foods which are very famous here, the Fried Chicken in which I have decided to choose the other one with Chicken Spicy. I have also ordered French fries and Peach Mango Pie and Choco Sundae.

It was more or less 5 minutes our order was served to us then we took photos first before we take time to eat. Our Baby King2x is very excited to see the foods as this is his first time here. He also like to taste the Choco Sundae and the french fries.

We really enjoyed eating the foods mosy especially the Fried Chicken in which with me is Fried Chicken Spicy. I am very full eating it as the chicken had a bigger cut than the usual fried chicken. I also love to eat their frech fries and the Peach Mango Pie.

Overall, our birthday celebration for our Baby King2x is very happy as we really have fun eating here and were very full at the same time our Baby King2x is very happy.

With regards to the foods we ordered here in the Fast Food Chain, what do I really love is the Fried Chicken as they were indeed very big and good enough for us to get full. For the other foods we ordered, I also love them all but much with the fried chicken. We also paid a total of 585 Pesos or around 30 hives.

This is indeed another great moments for us on the birthday celebration of our Baby King2x and everything happens because of God, so I thank Him for all of this.

This would be all for my Food Review and thank you everyone who will dropping by and to all who will support me here in the platform.

To God be all the Glory!

Your Friend


Thanks to @kennyroy for
the animated GIF.

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