Brunch In Beach Bums Cafe With A Friend


Hello my dear friends … I am still not feeling well but this time i am gonna try to make a post in here. This sickness is really hindering a lot of my daily activity including my work. In this post, i will share about a brunch that i had in the beach. Ah, i missed this. Thus i am in Bali again right now, this is something from my last trip to Bali. Since i got sick almost immediately after arriving in Bali, i barely had any chance to go here and there . I am so sad but this is life, all i can do is trying to be healthy as soon as possible. So, in this post, its a restaurant in front of the beach. Eating while watching the beach will be an entertainment in this place. Its begin when my friend took me to the beach. She said that she really wants to play with the water in the beach. I am not someone that like water so i try to pass on it. But she said, there is a restaurant in front if the beach that she liked to visit. Hearing about food and eat will always excite me so i said yes to that and we go there. The moment we arrived in the beach, i asked my friend to go eat immediately. Thats all i want. I dont care about anything else. Anyway, the name if the cafe is Beach Bum Cafe, its located in Bath Bolong Beach.





This is the menu in the cafe. My friend’s told me that we should try the breakfast set. Its way cheaper and it taste good. Not only that, we basically already got everything in there. There is two breakfast set that they have in there, one is The Big Breaky Set and the other is Garden Omelette Set. I was conflicted between the two and i leaned towards the omelette set more but my friend insisted that i should try The Big Breaky Set, its what she ordered too. I dont know how but somehow she convinced me big time at the time that i ended up ordered what she told me to.




This is what the place looks like. Very comfy. I think that j will visit this area again someday soon after i rented a bike. Till now, i still didnt rent a bike yet because i dont have the urgency to do that. I mean, i am sick guys what can i do. I should rent one as soon as possible though, going here and there by grab worries me a lot.


My food, oh my, aint this such a big plate? It looks absolutely delucious right? It supposed to be bacon but since i dont consume 4 legged animal i asked them to change it with chicken sausage which they kindly let me do that.


I dont have the picture of the tea by itself but we got two drink which is tea and juice by our choice.


This is the chia seed parfait as the desert.


This is our bill, mine is 77.000 idr.
I think this is such a good price.

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