Iranian grilled chicken

Hello my friends on the foodeis bee hive network, today I want to introduce you to an Iranian dish that most Iranians prepare outside the house with charcoal. They go to the lap of nature and prepare this delicious food. This food has a very delicious taste and also has a very attractive and pleasing appearance. This dish is grilled chicken. Grilled chicken is prepared with special ingredients, including these ingredients to prepare this grilled chicken.Well, to prepare this delicious meal for six people, today we want to prepare food for six people, two medium chickens, four medium bell peppers, 3 medium onions, a small glass of lemon juice and a teaspoon of powdered saffron and some Salt and pepper. Knead the chopped chicken meat together with chopped peppers and onions to give the chickens the taste of onions and peppers, then add lemon juice and saffron, salt, pepper and let it cook. Season the chickens in these ingredients for two hours and then skewer the pieces of chicken meat.



Today, I want to prepare this delicious food on charcoal with my wife for my parents, my sister and my child in order to have a good fire so that we can prepare the chickens on it. First, we prepared some wood for charcoal. The charring was very beautiful. I wanted to record all the moments when the fire was burning and the wood was burning. They were really beautiful. I left two photos of the fire for you.


Today, along with the grilled chicken we were preparing, we also prepared Atishi tea. I really like the taste of Atishi tea. I really enjoy it every time I drink it. It is indescribable.



After putting the different pieces of seasoning on the skewers on the prepared pieces of charcoal, we are careful that the pieces of charcoal do not burn, so we visit them regularly and constantly.


When we put the pieces of chicken on the coals, the air is filled with the smell of grilled chicken smoke. We were serving tea at the same time as we were grilling the chickens, and the good smell of the grilled chicken made my father not want to eat tea and asked me to. He asked us to prepare the grilled chicken sooner



To make the taste of chicken kebabs and tomatoes even tastier, we grilled them on coals along with chicken kebabs and tomatoes.

My kind mother had also prepared some rice to be served with these grilled chickens to make this grilled chicken more delicious.
I wish I could capture the aroma and smell of the space for you, I wish I could convey this to you so that you can feel the smell of this delicious food and experience this pleasure with me.
Be sure to prepare the food and leave your comments at the end of this post. I will be very happy to know your opinion, thank you.

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