Cheese Boats

Today I'm going to share a recipe I tried out today. I did not plan to bake today, but life is full of surprises, so in the end I ended up baking these. The truth is, I had my eyes on this recipe for awhile but have never had the time till now. Today was raining pretty much all day and I was tired, so I thought why not create something nice, that tastes good as well. The result is not the best, doesn't look so nice, but I know where I made the mistake and know how to correct it next time.


As I told you before, I have a trusted blogger, who has some amazing content when it comes to baling bread and salty things. She's posting in Hungarian, s the recipe I saw a month ago can be translated into Sausage and ham boats, so I named mine cheese boats, although mine has sausage and salami as well.



  • 140g yogurt,
  • 200ml lukewarm milk,
  • 1 egg,
  • 50ml olive oil,
  • 2tsp salt,
  • 400g flour,
  • 100g rye flour,
  • 1tsp sugar,
  • 25g yeast.
  • salami,
  • sausage,
  • grated cheese source

The only thing I changed in this recipe is I sued rye flour instead of graham flour. It gave the dough a funny taste and texture. I'm not saying it wasn't good, but next time I'm going to use all purpose flour.


The method is extremely simple if you have a mixer for the dough, but even if you don't, it's still simple, similar to bread baking.


I put all the ingredients in the mixing bowl and let the mixer work for 20 minutes.


After the mixer finished kneading, I sprinkled some flour on top of the dough, covered with a plastic wrap and put aside to a warm place to rest for an hour.


The dough supposed to double in size and look at mine. Is this double? Or triple?


After that, I divided the dough to eight as that's what the original recipe says.


On a floured surface, I rolled out the dough to a rectangular shape.


Then spread salami in it.


Then rolled it up.


And here's, the 8 rolls. Now I'm going to tell you a secret. The upper 4 are with salami, the bottom 4 are made with sausage. The salami was hot and spicy like hell, I don't like it at all, so I'm going to give those to the enemy 😂 🤣 So you'd better be good to me and treat me well, otherwise I'm going to feed you with the top 4.



The other reason why you should treat me well, is because this tool. look at what I have! A sharp cutter!!! I had to buy a brand new cutter as I needed a sharp cutting tool, that has a very thing blade and this was the best option.



I can assure you, it is sharp like hell and does the job perfectly. This is why these rolls are called boats, because once cut, they look like boats.


The final move was to fill them with grated cheese.

After that, I baked them at 180°C for 25 minutes.


And voilà! My masterpiece for today. It's not as nice as I wanted it to be and the taste of the dough is a bit different, but the recipe is good. So next time I'm going to make the necessary changes and will be even better.





So today I'm going to play a prank on you. I'm not going to ask you which one you want, but I'm going to give you one instead, which I think you deserve 😂 So, if you've been good to me, you get one with sausage, if not, you're going to get a spicy/hot one!!!

Sooo, cheesy boats anyone? 🤣😂 Let's see, are you brave enough to ask for one?

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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