Interesting Fruits to Check When You are Traveling in The Philippines

To my dear friends on Hive,
Today, I like to introduce you to fruits in my city.
Currently, I am in Davao City, part of Mindanao in southern part of the Philippines.

I shall start from my most favourite fruits:

1.Philippine Mango.


I am crazy about ripe mango and in most cases, whenever I see mangoes on other country that I traveled, I will try to taste that mango.
So far, I am sorry to disappoint you, but so far, it is my country has the best mangoes.

2.Philippine Pineapple

Philippine pineapple is different from Malaysia, Thailand and/or Vietnam. The texture of the fibers are finer. It is also more tasty compare to other countries sweet pineapple.

3.Banana - Binangay

There are many types of bananas in the Philippines and around the world. There is this particular banana that I like so much when it is ripe. In our dialect, it is called BI-NA-NG-AY. It is fragrant and sweet.


Jackfruit in the Philippines are eaten ripe of unripe.
When jackfruit is not ripe, we will call it a vegetables. We will cook it with coconut milk and added with prawns. One of the favourites to many Filipinos. We called it Gina-taang hipon.
When Jackfruit is ripe, it is yellow in colour and not everything is eatable. The part with seeds are the fruits. They are high in fibers and according to the gurus, it is good for asthmatic people.


Philippine Pomelo especially from Davao City or Mindanao is popular nationwide.
When you say Pomelo, people will mostly recognised those pomelos from mindanao.
Pomelo is a family of citrus. Bitter when not ripe and super sweet, tender and juicy when ripe.


Durian is the king of fruits in Malaysia, so as the Philippines.
The thorny skin spikes is so sharp but when you open the fruit when it is ripe, it sticks like a throw up but taste like a milky white chocolates.
The standard seeds which is coated with the eatable flesh or fiber is equivalent to one hard boiled eggs.

When you over eat Durian fruit, it can heat up your body and you feel uneasy. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol content beverages after eating durian.


Marang is family of durian but not as stinky as it is.
Inside are hundreds of seeds coated with thick slimy flesh similar to jackfruit nut more watery.


These are the fruits of Davao city where you can buy at the market or along the street.

All images presented here solely owned by the Author (C)ElvieLins

Thank you for reading❤️
My name is Elvie and I write about travel, photography and healthy living. Photographer by profession and love taking nature photos in between.
Thank you for your support and I value your time reading my articles. I hope it creates some motivations in your life.


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