The ugly pizza that make me eat fruits and muesli - a rant about bad food

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The evening was nice, we listened to some music but on the way back we got a bit hungry and I was looking or better "dreaming" to have some food at this lovely Indian place.

But all went into a total different direction as you will see...


Hey Hive Family
let us have good food
and beware of fast'n'ugly stuff

What happened here?

While walking into the direction of the lovely India food place (There will be very positive review later) my friends decided to follow the sign with a "cheap message"

Buy 3 Pizza and pay only the 2 most expensive ones..

Sounds good, but as usual, you get what you pay for. Sometimes even a lot less. So, we ended up in a cheap Italian place, that looks quite new.

After our order, the guy asked if we like to have spiced oil and some garlic on the pizza. As we love spiced food, we gave him a yes - without knowing what this YES stands for.

The Pizza

Yeah, still looks somewhat OK but than you taste is.

Yuck - that pizza has no taste at all...


Even better, our question for Garlic and spices ended up in 1€ extra cost per Pizza and you might imagine the big question mark at my face as I had 2 pay 20 bucks for 2 really simple pizza,

Where is that place

As usual with my posts, I like to show you the location by using the wonderful service from #pinmapple and #haveyoubeenhere - Have a look to to use it for your locations you want to share with us.


Better don't go there

This newly opened place looks fair, but taste different

Pic by Google

And better you read the reviews before you choose a new place whee people work who charge you extra for some cheap garlic and spices on your pizza.

Muesli - The better food

Reaching my home, after a short ride with a lot of yelling ugly words about that pizza, I was still really hungry so what is would be better as some fresh fruits with Yogurt and Muesli






Adding some muesli to all the fruits and on top some healthy Yogurt.


Looks way better,
taste way better
and feels way better!


So at you see what others said.

Jana J. wrote some month ago

I rarely write a review, but I have never eaten such a bad pizza. Dry as dust and sparsely topped. So the store will not last long. My colleagues say the same!

Ich schreibe ja ehr selten eine Bewertung, aber solch eine schlechte Pizza habe ich noch nie gegessen. Staubtrocken und sparsam belegt. So wird sich der Laden nicht lange halten. Meine Kollegen sagen das selbe!

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Alex B. a Local Guide with 21 Reviews wrote 6 month ago

"The worst pizza I've ever eaten," is how my wife described our experience here. I wouldn't go that far, after all, I've been served completely burnt pizzas before, but right behind that are the products from here.

A restaurant called "Popolo" does not exist here, although the neon sign suggests it does. Instead, you're in an establishment called "Lava" here. Although listed on the menu, they do not sell beers for consumption on site. Wines are completely absent here.

Payment can only be made in cash, although there was a device available that is used in other establishments for cashless payment processing. But what do I know, maybe it was a calculator....

As a restaurant to call the establishment I find very exaggerated, at most a snack bar with cheap drinks. The pizza rolls were probably transported to us on the most direct way from the oven, so hot that we burned our fingers.
Until the drinks came, we have already eaten the rolls (including cooling phase).

The pizzas then tasted at best like paper, were rather tasteless like air. For each 1€ surcharge there were 5 slices of salami, 1 mushroom and 1 pepperoni.

So fooled as here I felt last at the Touri-Nepps in Venice.

Die schlechteste Pizza, die ich je gegessen habe“, so beschrieb meine Frau unser Erlebnis hier. Soweit würde ich nicht gehen, schließlich servierte man mir auch schonmal völlig verbrannte Pizzen, aber direkt dahinter rangieren die Erzeugnisse von hier.

Ein Restaurant namens „Popolo“ existiert hier nicht, obwohl die Leuchtreklame das suggeriert. Stattdessen befindet man sich hier in einer Einrichtung namens „Lava“. Obwohl in der Speisekarte aufgeführt, verkauft man keine Biere zum Verzehr vor Ort. Weine fehlen hier gänzlich.

Bezahlen kann man nur bar, obwohl ein Gerät vorhanden war, das in anderen Lokalen zur bargeldlosen Zahlungsabwicklung verwendet wird. Aber was weiß ich, vielleicht war es ja ein Taschenrechner…

Als Restaurant die Einrichtung zu bezeichnen finde ich sehr übertrieben, höchstens ein Imbiss mit günstigen Getränken. Die Pizzabrötchen wurden wohl auf dem direktesten Wege aus dem Ofen zu uns transportiert, so heiss dass wir uns die Finger verbrannten. Bis die Getränke kamen, haben wir die Brötchen bereits verspeisen können (inkl. Abkühlphase).

Die Pizzen schmeckten dann bestenfalls wie Papier, waren vielmehr geschmacksneutral wie Luft. Für je 1€ Aufpreis gab es 5 Scheiben Salami, 1 Champignon und 1 Peperoni.

So verschaukelt wie hier fühlte ich mich zuletzt bei den Touri-Nepps in Venedig.

Bad reviews you should read

Gruesome - Simply Gruesome - really untasty Pizza

Pizza dough tastes like cardboard without flavor

The clear toppings spread widely on the floor over the tomato sauce.

The alleged garlic as well as the hot sauce is still being searched for by "missing persons report".

The crowning glory is the price of the stuff. Just under 10€ is a cheek.

Read the other comments and go somewhere else to eat.

Grausig - Einfach Grausig - unterirdische Pizza

Pizzateig schmeckt wie Pappe ohne Geschmack

Der übersichtliche Belag verteilt sich weitläufig auf dem Boden über der Tomatensoße.

Der angebliche Knoblauch wie auch die scharfe Soße wird immer noch per “Vermisstenanzeige”gesucht.

Die Krönung ist dann der Preis für das Zeuchs. Knapp 10€ ist eine Frechheit.

Lies die anderen Kommentare und geh lieber woanders Essen.

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