Cooking Stir-Fry Bitter Gourd or Ampalaya

A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe."Thomas Killer

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Hello, how are you, my dear hive friends? I hope you are all fine safe and blessed every day. In my previous blogs, I mentioned that cooking is my passion. It could be in various cookery. One of these is cooking vegetable dishes. Vegetables must be present in our diet to be healthy and strong every day. There are several ways of cooking vegetables. Each cooking method must be observed properly to ensure that nutrients are still there. Example of these vegetables is Bitter Gourd or Ampalaya. It is one of the most common vegetables that grows in our country. This vegetable is noted for its medicinal purposes and provides a lot of nutrients. Bitter Gourd is anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, and inflammatory. It is also rich in fiber, calcium, and potassium. Sad to say that only few people eat bitter Gourd, especially children because of its bitter taste. So in this blog, I will share how I cooked or prepared stir-fried Bitter Gourd. This style of cooking is my family's favorite.

Ingredients in Stir-Fry Bitter Gourd."

1.2 pcs. ampalaya
2.2pcs. egg
3.250 grams pork
4.1 head onion
5.1 head garlic





Procedures in Cooking

1.Slice the ampalaya or bitter gourd. Use fork to get the seeds of the ampalaya.
2.Soak the sliced ampalaya in water with salt for a few minutes to lessen its bitter taste.
3.Slice garlic, onion and meat.
4.Beat the egg and set aside.
5.Saute garlic and onion.
6.Add the pork.Waite until the meat is tender.
7.When almost cooked add ampalaya.
8.Stir and add the egg.
8.Cover in a few minutes.
10.Add seasoning. When ampalaya is already cooked taste remove the from fire.
11.Serve while hot.







That's all for this blog. See you and God bless!

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