Delicious Poutine

Hi fellow Foodies,

The other day I got to try something many Canadians love: Poutine!


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Delicious Poutine

One of the things I have been interested in and having fun doing is trying out different cuisine from all around the world. This is often a bit hard to find something new for me since I have eaten so many things! One thing I have heard about but not often seen served was this interesting dish called Poutine.


For many people who live in and around the Canadian part of America, this might be a pretty basic thing. I'm honestly surprised I don't see it advertised on the menu in more places in New England considering our close proximity to Canada and the number of Canadians that live here. In any case though, when the little man and I went to a farm for a festival, one of the places had it on the menu!

You might be wondering what Poutine is exactly, as was I. It's French fries with cheese curds on it and then topped with a beef gravy. I didn't know how I felt about it until I had it! The stuff was fantastic! Our son didn't agree as much though, he didn't eat much past the first bite lol. That's okay though, that meant more for me! :D

The interesting part was the gravy. I'm not unfamiliar with French fries with cheese on it, a lot of places do that but the beef gravy is really what sets the stuff apart! It was amazing and something so simple. I'm really glad that I got the chance to try it!

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