Weekend Treats For Me Time

We need a me time to listen to ourselves better.


I will tell you about how I spent my last Sunday. The day I felt better, even though I walked out of the house alone.

If you're a long-time follower of mine, you might be familiar with how I like to travel alone before getting married. But since I got married, I always travel with my husband because he has become my best friend.

Well, last Sunday, my husband went out of town for work. So, I decided to go to the shopping center in the city where I live.

Don't want to shop for household needs or for fashion. As usual, I just want to enjoy yummy treats in the places I visited before.

At the same time, I need a place to cool off! Yesterday was a very hot day. In fact, when I go on a motorbike, my legs burn!

Arriving at a mall, the only mall in the city I live in, I felt relieved. But oh no! Yesterday was a very busy day! Yesterday was the last day of school holidays. So lots of families spend time together.

My favorite cafe is busy and there are no empty seats available, even for one person. I, who don't like waiting, finally looked for other alternatives.

I came to Fountania Cafe, a cafe which is my second favorite cafe after the first cafe I mentioned earlier. Luckily there were still some empty spaces yesterday.

This cafe has good lighting, just to my taste. So, I feel calm in this place. I listened to music through my headset then chose the food I wanted to eat yesterday.


I have chosen dimsum for starter menu, then fish balls in hotplate for main course. Menus that whet my appetite!


Since a few days ago, I have been craving dimsum. But just yesterday I was able to make it all happen. With 3 pieces, I feel satisfied. Not too much for a starter.


With spicy sauce, the dim sum containing a mixture of mushrooms and minced chicken all taste delicious. Although in the cafe they sell a cheaper version compared to the popular cafe version in this place too, but this cafe has a good taste and is no less! Yummy!

After filling my stomach with pleasant starters yesterday, I then moved on to enjoying fish balls served with rice, served on a hotplate. Be careful because the hotplate is hot.

At the top of the dish, sprinkle with leeks which adds its own flavor. Then, for gravy, use curry type.



Honestly, this is the first time I have tasted this type of menu. Whoaaa, ​​the fish balls are really soft and combined with curry gravy that smells of spices! Absolutely, added this menu into my favorite one!

Yesterday I felt full with the new menu that I tried for lunch. Me time went well at a mall. Even though it was crowded, it was completely cozy for me and not noisy because I was sitting in the corner of the cafe. Lol.


Doing what makes you happy allows you to think about yourself better. Often, when we are with other people we only have fun for a moment. But if you have fun alone during me time that is for self-development for the long term. ❤️

Don't forget to love yourself. Sometimes, you just forget about it when you're with other people. ❤️🥰


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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