Seasonal Taste in Onigiri #2 Sugar Snap Pea Onigiri / グリーンピースおにぎり

This is the second post of my new Onigiri series. Onigiri is Japanese rice ball, which is super popular and eaten as a handy snack or part of a meal. Onigiri is often associated with white rice stuffed with ingredients, but onigiri can be made with cooked rice. It is also delicious. As it is getting hotter in Germany too, I have been making sugar snap pea Onigiri, a summer classic in my family, a lot lately.

Cooking sugar snap pea rice is quite simple. Add 40-50 grams of frozen or green peas and 1/2 teaspoon of salt per cup of rice. The rice and water ratio is the same (200g of water for 150g of rice). You can also add sesame seeds or kelp. 1 cup of rice can make 4 Onigiri.

Then you can cook the rice as usual. I will write about how to cook Japanese rice without a rice cooker soon 😉 When the rice is done, mix gently with a rice scoop so as not to crush the rice grains, cover with a lid and let it steam a little.

When the rice has cooled down to an appropriate temperature (not too cool otherwise the rice will not stick together), use 80-90 grams of rice for one Onigiri. If you use our wooden Onigiri molds, even kids can easily make Onigiri. Haha, it's a kind of advertising 😉 My daughter who is on summer vacation helped me...or rather, she made some for her snack.

I packed mine in a Japanese wooden bento box I brought from Japan. It was a bit stuffy as you see the photo on top, but I was excited with the typical Japanese bento 🍙

It is best if you buy fresh raw sugar snap peas at a market, but you can always keep frozen ones in the freezer. I recommend these summer green pea rice balls with bright green dots. Give it a try 🌞

Four Seasons Onigiri Series.

🍙 🍙 🍙




適度にご飯の温度が冷めたら(冷めすぎるとご飯がくっつかなくなるのであくまで握れる温度に冷めたら)80-90gのご飯をにぎります。弊社の木製のおにぎり型を使えば、子供でも簡単に握れますよ!宣伝 😉 夏休み中の子供が手伝ってくれました・・・というか自分の分を作っていきました。

自分の分は、日本から持ってきた曲げわっぱのお弁当箱に詰めました。冒頭の写真のように3つ詰めたらちょっとぎゅうぎゅうですがテンションをあがりました 🍙

新鮮な生のグリーンピースを買ってきて鞘から出して作るとベストですが、冷凍グリーンピースを冷凍庫に入れておくと、いつでも作れます。明るい緑のドットの夏のグリーンピースおにぎり、おすすめです。ぜひ 🌞


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