Bread bakers challenge - Best sandwich bread

I saw @shanibeer do a post for this challenge. I thought I would post a sandwich I made today for lunch.

I do love sandwiches and have them most days. I take some to work with me. There is a canteen, but that gets expensive and with the lockdown there are restricted times I can go there. I like to eat when I am hungry. Today I was at home anyway, so I can do something hot.


This one is actually a combination of breads. I have been making bread for the family in our machine. Yesterday I did one that was mostly white flour with what wholemeal we had left plus a few porrige oats. Today I just had white. We have a big sack of that thanks to a friend who works at a mill. I put it on before running my half marathon and it was ready in time for lunch.


It is a nicely proportioned loaf. This is the large size, but the maching can do an extra large too. I need to try that some time. It takes four hours to make, but there are rapid settings that give good results.

It has been a while since I had a veggie 'bacon' (facon?) sandwich. There are various types, but we had some Quorn brand. It has some of the smoky taste of bacon, but you cannot make it crispy. I am not intending to eat meat again, so this will do for me. I cooked the mushrooms first in some butter.


The 'secret ingredient' in my bacon sandwiches is this chilli sauce. It is not particularly hot, but I like it. I prefer the sweet sauce to the peppery ones. I had some of those with veggie burgers and sausages last night.


The family went for the white bread and I felt I should finish the brown, so I just got one slice of white. It all sliced well, but we often find that this bread ends up with a hole in the middle of some slices. I was thinking I should have done a couple more mushrooms.


I did enjoy my sandwiches washed down with water and followed by a banana. That kept me going until dinner. I was doing various stuff around the house and garden.

Bon appetit!

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