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Quick, easy, tasty bagels / 簡単にすぐできておいしいベーグル

I like bread that takes loooong time for proofing with less yeast, but when it comes to bagels, I use a yeast to make them quick and tasty. And it's tasty in this way 😁

During the hot summer season, proofing process is really quick, so it takes about 90 to 120 minutes to have the bagels out of the oven. Since the dough is firm, I knead it by hand without using any machines, so the process is not too difficult. Bagels don't require fine gluten layers, so I think you can knead the dough roughly by hand without much risk of failure.

I always use the recipe I previously posted on Hive Blog, and I think I've baked hundreds of bagels using this recipe 🥯 I must continue this "My house bread recipe" series ...

My house bread recipe #2 - Bagels / 我が家パンのレシピ #2 - ベーグル

They turned out great this time too. Lately, I often bake them quickly after dinner for the next morning's breakfast.

Speaking of bagels, I have good old memories with my mother. She started baking bagels when I was in my teens, and we ate them a lot for breakfast, lunches, and as snacks. Since then, I've loved bagels.

When I visited New York twice, it wasn't specifically for eating bagels, but of course, I enjoyed them while I was there. The first time, I got so excited and ordered too many fillings that the staff at the shop laughed at me. According to my notes from back then, it was at Murray's Bagels. It looks in a regular size because it's wrapped, but I still vaguely remember its tower-like appearance before it was wrapped 😁

The reason there is Japanese paperback books in the background is that I stayed at a hostel run by a Japanese person.

Ah, I would love to go to New York again to have bagels, although I imagine they are quite expensive now 😅

If you have some free time on the weekend, I recommend you to make bagels. Have a great weekend!

🥯 🥯 🥯 🥯 🥯


作り方は以前Hive Blogにも投稿した通りで、このレシピでもう数百個は焼いていると思います 🥯 この我が家のパンレシピシリーズも始めて放置していますね ・・・ 続けたいです。

My house bread recipe #2 - Bagels / 我が家パンのレシピ #2 - ベーグル




ベーグルを食べに・・・というわけではありませんが、2度ニューヨークに行った時にはもちろんベーグルを楽しみました。1度目は大興奮で具を注文しすぎてお店の人に笑われたほどです。当時のメモによると、Murray's Bagelsというお店だったようです。写真の画質が粗いですね。包まれて高さが減っているのですが、包む前のタワーのような見た目を今でもうっすら覚えています。


