Too Much Screen staring - A Day in the Life of Hypersensitivosaurus


Trying something new today ( not for the first time )

Part of this was literally caused by too much screen staring in the last couple of days. Not just the inspiration to write / draw this but also the reason to choose this format ( writing and drawing on oldfashioned analog paper, unfortunately made of trees ).

For those with mediocre eye sight ( or eye fatigue due to too much screen time ), I will add the text in digital fonts too:

Hypersensitivosaurus was not feeling well.

Too much screen staring ( in the dark ) made his eyes burn and his vision blur. His head started itching and aching and his nose began to run.

What if... he thought ... I would go out and start running? At a certain point in time, I might catch up with my nose and that might balance things out again.

His nose was wise. It was telling him, even though it couldn't talk with words, to move more, to go out and breathe in some much needed fresh air, to exercise... but, the sun had already set and - believe it or not - there were plenty of predators out there, beasts way more dangerous than this hypersensitive, friendly lizard raptor.

Excuses, excuses. The least he could do, was to stop the screen staring and try to get some rest. Tomorrow would be another day, another chance to level up...

P.S. As you might have seen at the top of the page, I decided that I'm going to add more modern elements to my stories. The main characters might be dinosaurs, that doesn't mean that they are old fashioned. Aside from that, I expect that this will make it even more easy for people to relate to these stories and to identify with the characters.

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