Just a Li'l Hyper but also feeling pretty SuperZENsitive - A free flowing rambling on writing

Feeling a little hyper today.

Not sure if it's the two coffee ( meio café, meio leite ), the change in weather ( sunny to cloudy with a nice amount of cool wind ), the moves in the crypto market in the last week or the overall energy in the air or all of the aforementioned.

One thing's for sure: I feel like I have an excess of energy. Kind of the opposite of the last couple of weeks.

It feels good!✨

Lil Hyper.jpg

a VelociRapper called Li'l Hyper

I actually had to slow myself down. Take some deep breaths. Stop listening to music for a bit. Just focus on my late improv lunch and be in the now. I also did the dishes ( an easy form of mindfulness and a reason not to get yourself a dishwasher ).

I tend to not balance things very well - Libra and half of a twin or not - and am working on changing this around.

Let's say that I'm tired of ( pun intended ) burning through all of my energy in one single day. In fact, I prefer to save some of it, and spread it out over the week, instead of running out of energy again and again and then having to work myself up towards high energy again over the days and weeks that follow.



Today I picked up a book again, that I bought years ago, titled "You Must Write a Book".

Although it's mainly aimed at writing business books, it's very helpful and inspiring to browse through every now and then and today was such a day.

It motivates me to actually publish My Hypersensitovosaurus stories, once finished. The only thing left for me to do is to actually finish my book hahaha!

Those of you who don't get why I'm laughing ( you probably haven't been following me for a very long time ), I am known for not finishing things. In fact, I almost made a website called "Unfinished Stories" and also thought of writing a book with that title.

Now I think of it, "The Neverending Story" was one of my favorite books and later movies, when I grew up.

In these digital times, finishing things hasn't become easier. We can keep tweaking our projects with a click of our mouse. Perfectionism doesn't help much either. Suffice to say that, as a filmmaker and writer, I have an amazing record of unfinished projects.

Anyhow, I'm not making any excuses here, I'm just a little hyper and writing this in a flow.

The Life of Hypersensitivosaurus is definitely gonna be finished ( and no, this cute dino is not gonna die, don't worry about that ), I'm just looking for some kind of ending to what I expect to be a first book in a series of books.

I know, I've said that several times but repeated thoughts create our beliefs and repeated beliefs become our truths.

Time to wrap up this post and focus on actual ( hypersensitivosaurus ) writing.

I wish you an amazing and inspiring weekend full of positive energy! ✨

Much love,


aka Li'l Hyper
aka Hypersensitvosaurus
aka SuperZENsitivosaurus

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