Celebrate The Earth, By Reconnecting With It!

I think it is wonderful, that we take the time to focus on the many ways in which we can live in harmony with the Earth. But it does annoy me somewhat, that we actually need to identify a day in which to do so. Because for me, this is something that we should be doing instinctively, it should take as much presidence as our morning meditation or prayer or whatever daily practice you undertake.


It is sad to me, that we are now living in a time, where many people only really focus on it for one day, where they switch off the lights for a few hours and from that small action think that they have done something. Earthcare needs to be a daily practice, a way of life!

We listen to the Government go on about reducing pollution and greenhouse gases, creating policies and introducing new laws. Yet they never approach those who are most responsible for all of these things. The many big pharma companies that use incinerators or nuclear plants that waste so much water, cooling down reactors (1,000's of liters per hour).

Yes, we as individuals can make huge strides in our own lives, but when are those, who make the biggest impact going to have to pay for what they have done! As is the way in our world, the government likes to take the focus away from those creating the biggest problems and focus it more on us, as though we collectively make the biggest impact!

I am not saying this, to take away from our personal responsibility but more to point out the way in which we are being manipulated, from seeing the truth!

If we are to live more consciously, then we need to see the bigger picture, so that we can understand our place and the actions we can take within it. Yes everything we do matters, we need to be making more conscious decisions, when it comes to how we live our lives. We also need to shift our dependency off of large corporations and find more sustainable ways in which to meet our needs.

We as a society, are constantly bombarded with aggressive advertising, trying to tell us "what our needs are", forcing a more materialistic way of life on us. Yes we have a choice, but we have also been manipulated and coerced for so long. What we need to do is to disconnect from this way of life and return to a way of life, where we are more connected to the land, more connected to ourselves.

It's all too easy to take simple steps in helping mother nature, to feel like we have done our piece, but what we really need is to begin a journey of self realization, self connection. To remember that we are a part of nature and that what we do to the natural world, we do to ourselves. And this takes more, than just one day a year. It needs to be very day of the year.

Taking the time to reflect on your life, to really observe how you live and identify what your true needs are. What do you need to live and to thrive?


Yes some things may make our lives easier and more comfortable, but ultimately they deepen the divide between us and the natural world. They become a distraction and instead of focusing inwards, our attention is draw out instead. If we are to be happy and healthy, then our environment needs to be as well. We need to spend more time outdoors, more time connecting with nature.

To stop and smell the roses , as the saying goes!

We need to listen to ourselves more, to our bodies, because we know what we need, we have just forgotten how to listen and how to understand.
Nature provides us with all that we need, our medicine, our food, our clothing, our ability to breathe! It provides us with connection and that connection nurtures us in every way. We lose that and we lose our way!

Life today, seems so complicated, there are so many things that we need to keep on top of, bills to pay, appointments to keep. But living is not complicated, real living is not. It is all about the simple things, the things that enrich us. Skills that empower us and help us thrive.

The earth calls to us, it is our true home.

And yet, People pump so much money into structures that they called their homes, structures that are mostly made from toxic materials. They maintain these structures, by investing in toxic products that sterilize their homes and in the process sterilize themselves. Destroying their immunity, whilst also polluting the environment. This is how far some people have come, how disconnected they are, from what their real needs are!

We have been led down a slippery slope and now it is time to make our way back up, to take control of our lives, to take back responsibility for our actions. To return to a more natural way of living and let go of this desire to be comfortable and live a life of convenience, because the price for that is too deep

Why continue to feed the hand that manipulates us, when Instead, we can feed the soil that nurtures us and sustains us!





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