Beautiful Yellow oleander and it's medicinal uses.

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You already know that there is a close relationship between diseases and the human body. As long as man is alive, he has to face some disease or the other. Now whether that disease is a minor disease or a big one.
We have always been using medicines for the treatment of these diseases. It is a different matter, that earlier people used herbs or Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of these diseases, but in today's time most of the people prefer to eat English medicines.




I have heard that even today in many tribal areas and villages, medicinal plants are still used to treat disease or to heal minor injuries, they use home remedies.
I also found a plant today, which can be used to treat many diseases. All parts of this plant can be used for treatment.



Name of this plant

Most people know this plant as yellow oleander, but in many places it is also called Thevetia peruviana. In India it is known as Kaner.

How does it look

Kaner or yellow oleander plants can be shaped like a tree. Its leaves are dark green in color, on which yellow flowers bloom, which look like a musical instrument. The flowers of yellow oleander are very beautiful to look at and they also smell very good.




Yellow oleander or caner has been used for a long time to treat many minor ailments. And it is believed that there are still many areas where it is still used today.
This plant can also be used to treat ringworm, external wounds and many infected areas.

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