Kappa Puzhukku (Tapioca) In 30 Minutes


A warm and spicy "hi" from a friend of your family and thanx #hive and #natural medicine to conduct such a beautifull contest for a better future i glad i was just introduce one of my favourate and spicy food i alwayz want to lick my hands after eaten kappa(tapioca) .
hope you guyz wanna try these at your home just spend u r 15 minutes to make these food i hope u enjoy it

so let begins...............

This is one of my tapioca in back yard

what is kappa(tapioca) in kerala

Kappa or kappa puzhukku is a staple food that originates from the Indian state Kerala. This authentic recipe consists of a starchy substance that’s harvested from the cassava plant. In most of the world, this ingredient is known as tapioca. The dish is prepared by mixing the tapioca with coconut paste, red chili peppers, Haldi powder, curry leaves, garlic, green chilies, salt, and cumin. in kerala its a common man food material and it get at any hotel or resturant,fast food etc are available

The reasons for this are obvious; tapioca is very nutritious and grows everywhere in Kerala and its price is relatively cheap.so its not an expensive food its a low cost food with benefitThe Kappa recipe was passed from generation to generation and today, as traditional recipes are becoming more and more popular

instruction for choosing the best tapioca

When purchasing kappa or custards, one can never be excessively cautious. Outwardly, it isn't extremely simple to say which custards are ruined or spoiled. The waxy, glossy outside of custards can be misleading and if it's ruined, you will not know it until you return home and cut it. Luckily, in the wake of buying various ruined custards, I figured out how to tell the ruined from the great ones. When shopping, attempt to scratch the finish of the custard and smell it. In the event that the inward layer is white in shading and doesn't have an amusing smell, that implies the custard is acceptable. In the event that the inward layer is yellow-grayish and begins smelling terrible in the wake of scratching, at that point that custard is likely bad.

in my suggestion u should harvest the tapioca to get some good food

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2 Large Tapiocas
1 Cup Coconut Paste
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
2 Green Chillies
1 Teaspoon Turmeric
4 Small Onions (chopped)
2 Cloves Garlic
1 Teaspoon Salt
2 Curry Leaves
1/2 Teaspoon Cumin Seeds
1/2 Teaspoon Mustard Seeds
1/2 Teaspoon Haldi Powder
we can some more but these are some of common ingredients

Preparation of kappa

first we need some good and fresh harvesting tapioca and then cut its outerskin slicely to get the white skin of tapioca with some hot water in hot water it is easy to cut off the outer cover the tapioca needs to be half-cooked, taken out,
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and dried under the sun for a few days. These dried tapiocas are also known as Unakku Kappa. They can be stored in air-tight containers for up to a few days.Once dried, they become the key ingredient for this kappa puzhukku recipe. Pour water, cover the kappa, and let it boil. Once the water starts boiling, remove the water and drain

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4 Small Onions (chopped)
2 Cloves Garlic
1 Teaspoon Salt
2 Curry Leaves

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2 Large Tapiocas
1 Cup Coconut Paste
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
2 Green Chillies
1 Teaspoon Turmeric
4 Small Onions (chopped)
1/2 Teaspoon Cumin Seeds
1/2 Teaspoon Mustard Seeds
1/2 Teaspoon Haldi Powder

. Add the same amount of water again, along with some turmeric powder and salt, and cook until the kappa becomes very soft. Heat up a pan and pour some coconut oil, cumin seeds, green chilies, and mustard seeds. Cook for 6-7 minutes at low heat.Add the cooked kappa and the grated coconut and mix everything together.

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hot and tasty kappa ready made at my home

thank you guyz for patients and care i hope we gather around to say about different food we made

i have an actual request for all see this post should try it and don't waste your food

thanx u for giving and an oppurtunity to #hive and #natural medicine hope u enjoy take care....................

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