Of Immunity, Building Your Immune System with Herbs - Nature's Medicine

Our bodies are marvelous organisms! A self-healing, homeostatic organism at that! Give it all it needs to function at full capacity and it is quite capable of protecting itself from intruders like viruses, harmful bacteria, fungi, and toxic chemicals produced by microbes!

The main system responsible for doing this is the immune system.

The immune system is quite fascinating when you look at the defense lines it puts up and how ingenious it is at blueprinting after analyzing antigens (foreign substances) that have entered the body and which antibodies have been produced to combat it so it can be prepared if that same foreign substance enters the body again!

Here's a fun little video giving a crash course all about the immune system:

Part 1

Part 2

Let's take a look at some of the defense systems in the Immune System

  1. Skin is our first line of defense which is semi permeable and a barrier between the outside world and the internal workings of the body. This includes the outer cover of the body and also the lining of the entire intestinal tract.

  2. Hair in the nose which are barriers to dust and bacteria with the combination of the mucous in the nasal passage and throat.

  3. White blood cells which are carried by the bloodstream and can engulf and devour bacteria and other invaders. They will be followed by macrophages -a cool name when you look at it's origins from Greek; macros, "large" and phagos "eater". It is a large eater!

  4. Antibodies which battle against foreign substances (antigens) which can interfere with the bodies normal chemical activities.

It's the Immune System that creates these antibodies which are specifically employed against the original triggering antigen or a closely related one.

It's fascinating how it works...

Antigen (foreign substance) enters body - consumed by macrophage, dismantled and analyzed. Information sent --> to lymphocyte > turns into a plasma cell. Plasma cell manufactures ++++ antibody plus more plasma cells ++++ This takes place in the lymph nodes ( that is why you experience swelling there if it is building all these plasma cells and antibodies)

A cool thing is, in the Thymus, the body stores an antibody blueprint that it can retrieve at any time if that particular antigen which had previously intruded the body and which the blueprint was made for, returns.

Plus these antibodies can form a physical barrier to confine the antigen.

A Closer Look at the Immune Response

The main source of antibody producing cells is the bone marrow producing lymphocytes. Some of these are called "B cell" If "B cells" are exposed to antigens = production of immunoglobulin (antibody molecule). The B cell "remembers" the chemical configuration or pattern of the antigen so if it is ever exposed to it again the "B cell" will multiply ++++ making "clones" that produce the antibody.

This type of extermination is mainly done against viruses and bacteria circulating in the blood.

Another lymphocytes which can become active is the **"T cell" (T for thymus).
"T cell" pass through the -> Thymus become active reacting against viruses, bacteria and cancer cells that have invaded the body cells.
There are two types of "T cell":

  1. Helper cells which stimulate activity in the immune system
  2. Suppressor cells which become less active as invaders are overcome.
    To work effectively these two cells must be kept in balance.

The Thymus has an important immunological role - it forms T-lymphocytes and induces the development of lymphoid tissue. Plus as mentioned earlier it stores blueprints developed for each antibody.

To assist your Immune System try this:

Thymus Tap

Locate the thymus. Tap it. Gently rub the area.
If there is pain in that area this could indicate your immune system is out of balance and you may need to make some changes to your life style, diet, or other factors that may be affecting it.
Gently massaging is an effective assist to the Thymus.

Using Herbs to Strengthen the Immune System

Remember when building your immune system to concentrate on all the body systems since each contributes to a healthy response through out.

  1. Surface Immune Activation here we will strengthen the "surface" or "secretory" immune system using herbs that will increase the macrophage (remember those "big eaters") activity raising the potency of our protective shield.
    Some herbs for this are: Coneflower, Usnea, Garlic, Myrrh and Calendula

  2. Hormonal Modulators this gives remedies that work through modulation of immune response by controlling hormonal secretions. The state of body's hormonal balance affects our nerves and the strength of the immune system.

Remember all systems of the body interact with one another. The health of one is dependent on the health of others. The immune system clearly interacts with the nervous system, the hormonal system and the liver. Strengthen these and you will strengthen the immune system!

Herbal Detoxification - Going back to that first point I made about the body being self-healing and homeostatic if you support the normal detoxification processes you will be increasing the elimination of harmful wastes. Make sure the whole range of elimination processes are being addressed then focus in on specific areas where there may be more toxic pressure put on the body.

Elimination Pathways, Actions and Recommended Herbs
  1. Digestive system and colon - aperient, laxative - Western Dock
  2. Kidneys and Urinary system - diuretic - Dandelion leaf
  3. Liver and Blood - hepatic - Dandelion Root
  4. Skin - diaphoretic, alternative - Yarrow, cleavers
  5. Respiratory system - expectorant, pulmonary, anti-catarrhal - Mullein, Hawthorn, Goldenrod

These are just a few suggestions but there are many more herbs that would complement these.

Closer Look at Herbal Actions for the Immune System

Adaptogens @minismallholding wrote a wonderful article all about adaptogens, well worth checking out here
Adaptogens will strengthen various body systems. Looking at what will strengthen the Endocrine system those adaptogen herbs will strengthen and balance the hormones and will enable us to adapt to a wide range of non-specific stresses in our environment by acting through the "pituatory-adrenal axis"
Examples: Licorice Root, Borage, Wild Yam

Alternatives and Anti-Scorbutics Using these herbs will assist the body in it's natural process of cleansing. They comprise the group that are anti-viral blood cleansers and will gradually alter and correct impaired blood conditions.

Alternatives (blood purifiers, blood "sweeteners" These alter the processes of nutrition and excretion by restoring the dysfunctional organs of the system to healthy action. They promote absorption of inflammatory deposits, purifying the bloodstream through improved digestion and secretion.
When you are cleansing the blood you want to know the cause of the blood toxicity so you can eliminate it.
Examples: Burdock, Red clover, Stinging Nettle, Goldenseal, Dandelion, Western Dock

Anti-scorbutics: - "scurvy" preventing - these either contain moderate to high amounts of vitamin C or promote the absorption and utilization of vitamin C.
Examples: Balm of Gilead, Burdock, Dandelion, Juniper, Stinging Nettle

Anti-Microbials these help the body destroy and resist pathogenic micro-organisms, strengthening the bodies resistance to invading organisms aiding the body's natural immunity.
Examples: Anise, Bearberry, Caraway, Calendula, Cayene, Coneflower, Garlic, Gentian, Goldenseal, Juniper, Myrrh, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rue, St. John's Wort, Sage, Thyme, Usnea, Wormwood and Yarrow

Here's to keeping strong and healthy using Nature's Medicines!

This information was taken from the Course in Herbology I took by Root Woman & Dave and is an entry to the Natural Medicine "Immunity Challenge" Find the details here.

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