Jewelweed nature's cure for poison ivy. A Spray and Salve for People and Pets.

Quick Intro

Hello Natural Medicine Community. I have some information from my mother who is not on HIVE just yet. I told her about this community last week and told her she should post what she made here, and come for more ideas of natural medicine. I am hoping after she see's how I do this post she might make her own HIVE account and get off of the facebook train that 95% of my family dont know how to exit.

My Mothers Story.. Her Name is Robin.


One Monday I woke up with a swollen eye. I ordered the salve and it came in Tues the next day. I started using it. By Thurs the swelling was just about gone and the itching was hardly there.

The 2nd time I got poison ivy I looked for something that contained Jewelweed. I couldn't find any in any stores so I turned to Amazon. I found some salve and tried it.

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I decided to do some research about it and how to make it.

Jewelweed is nature's cure to poison ivy, oak, sumac, bug bites and stings and works on other skin rashes.

If you spray it on yourself and clothing before you venture into the woods or areas with poison Ivy, it helps to break down the oils that cause the rash.

It is also safe to use on dogs. I have a short legged dog so her belly gets low to the ground when she relieves herself. She has gotten it a couple of times and it worked on her too.

I made both a salve and spray.


For the salve I used jewelweed (found in shady or wet areas) the ones with orange flowers work best. Olive oil, vitamin E, beeswax.

I washed and dried the plant. Cut it into sm pieces and put them in a Mason jar and cover with the olive oil and place the cover on. You can let it sit in a sunny window for 2 weeks or simmer it for 12 to 24 hours.


I then drained the oil through a cheese cloth. I then melted beeswax on low heat into the oil and added the vitamin E. I the poured it into the tins until they were set and hardened.

For the spray I used jewelweed plant and 100% Witch Hazel. Again wash and cut the plant and put in a Mason jar and cover. I put it in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. You can also simmer this on low heat. Again I strained the mixture through a cheese cloth and filled spray bottles.

Results speak for themselves



I hope this helps anyone who is prone to poison ivy, oak, and all that nasty itchy skin stuff! If you have any questions about the process please feel free to comment, message my mom on facebook She will be happy to know her ideas are helping people.


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