The Unending Health Benefit of 'Moringa plant' .

Good day my fellow hive bloggers. It's another beautiful day and week. We are now gradually heading towards the end of the year,i hope most of us have achieved quite a lot this year and I hope we've had a remarkable year so far.

Due to popular notion that no man is an island of knowledge,but sharing this knowledge together amongst ourselves will make us an island that will be almost as big as an Ocean.

The Moringa plant is known all over the world, Moringa whose scientific names is Moringa oleifera, which can also be called miracle tree, horseradish tree or drumstick tree, small deciduous tree (family Moringaceae), and are popular in tropical Asia and also naturalized in major parts of Africa and tropical America.

Moringa has over 360 names around the world, various names in various languages like in Spanish its called
acacia or árbol de las perlas, in Hindi it is called Mungna, in Swahili it is known as mronge,it is also locally known as "Sajna or Sojna in various parts of Bangladesh, In my local dialect here in Nigeria we call it " Ewe Igbale".
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My Infinix NOTE 7 📸 Camera.

An average Moringa tree can reach the height of 30 ft (9 metres), depending on the region and texture of soil it could very much grow taller thank that.


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The Moringa plant is one of the most medicinal plant in the world, some fascinating facts about the tree are that it contains many healthful compounds such as:
vitamin A
vitamin B1 (thiamine)
B2 (riboflavin)
B3 (niacin), B-6
folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
It is also immensely low in fats and contains no harmful cholesterol. Moringa oleifera is known to have very few or no side effects. every single part of it, from the roots up to the leafs, flowers, sap, seeds and even barks are useful and medicinal. Moringa grows precisely where it is mostly needed, it an untapped treasure in our backyards and we don't value it. Moringa is a pure gift of nature to us to feed on and use.

Image source.

Moringa flowers are frequently used as traditional medicine in various parts of the world, the leaves and immature seed sheath are often used as food supplements. Different element of the plant are soaked in warm water and taken as a tea. It is even used as ingredients in perfumes and oil as it retains good scent.
I could go on and on about how it can be used and still not be able to list it all as it uses are so much.
I will list out some health benefits of this plant.

Some known benefits of Moringa plants are;

  1. Subsequent research has shown that moringa helps to reduce the severity of asthma symptoms and improves lung function in adults with mild to moderate asthma.
  2. It increases breath milk production.
  3. Adding moringa powder to food for helps improve weight in malnourished children.
    4.It helps to treat the tired blood.
  4. It is useful for blood cell counts and helps to regulate blood pressure in the body.
  5. Moringa can cure Diabetes.
  6. Moringa is rich in calcium and phosphorus, minerals that are necessary for our bones.
  7. It helps to moderate our mood swings. moringa can do way more than just curing diseases, it may also help to better our mood. T is scientifically believed that Moringa aid with fatigue, anxiety, and depression, thus improving one’s mental health.
  8. Moringa helps to fight inflammation in our body in times of pain and injury.
  9. Moringa helps in burning fat in our body, and also give us a good skin.
    There are countless more benefits I could mention but I do not want to bore you my beloved readers, you can as well research more and learn more about this fascinating tree.

Some known side effects of Moringa that I know is that the roots should not be taken by mouth as it contains spirochin, a toxic substance. The flower, bark, roots is also unsafe for intake by pregnant women,Chemicals in the root, bark, and flowers might make the uterus contract.

Me and my Moringa leafs.
Image source
My Infinix NOTE 7 📸 Camera.

What moringa can do is endless and limitless, If you are interested in trying this herbal, try buying it online from a trustworthy suppliers, or get the seed and plant them in you compound or garden. By doing this, you will get only the best quality moringa products fresh and more effective.

I believe at the end of this article many of us will be more enlightened by the benefits of Moringa tree.
Thank you so much for reading, I wish you a wonderful week ahead ❤️, Bye 👋 for now.

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