Homemade Wrappers + Mung Beans + Spring Rolls With Recipe - Part 2 Of 2


It might interest you to read my earlier post on how to easily grow Mung Beans because I will be tackling here about homemade wraps to be used in making the Spring Rolls with my harvested mung bean sprouts.


Moreover, today´s topic will also cover how to make your homemade wrappers. I learned how to make them in Africa thru an expat canadian family, the wife was a Filipina and we had this Friday gatherings in her house to exchange recipes and the latest news around the city where we all lived in. She showed us how wrappers can be made thru a very with simple and fast technique. And so, here goes how it is.....

Homemade Wrappers For The Spring Rolls

Wrappers - Ingredients (for about 6 wrappers)

1 cup All-Purpose Flour
1 Cup Water
1 tbsp Corn Flour
a dash of salt (optional)
cooking oil

Please take note, the use of 1 tablespoon corn flour is for me a must because it will make the batter more elastic and the wrapper would not break easily during the drying process.



1... Mix all ingredients to form a smooth batter.


2... Grease a non sticking pan using paper towel slightly moistened with cooking oil. Heat the pan under medium fire.


3....When pan becomes hot, remove the pan from fire and by using pastry brush ( preferably made of natural hair as synthetic will melt in hot pans) paint the batter briskly onto the pan covering its entire surface.


4... Put the pan back but this time on low fire and slowly heat the to be wrapper til it gets dry, turning once.


5... Place the wrappers on a platter and cover with plastic foil to prevent them from drying til they are ready to use. Set the covered wrappers aside.

Making the Spring Rolls


100 grams 50/50 mix ground beef and pork
2 cloves, crushed garlic
1 Onion - diced
1 gram mung bean sprouts
1 sweet red paprika, diced
cooking oil for deep-frying
1 tbsp soy sauce
salt & pepper


1... In a hot pan, fry the crushed garlic til golden brown in color, add the ground meat and stir fry til the meat becomes pale in color.

2... Add the diced onions , sprouts, sprinkle with 1 tbsp soy sauce, carefully stir until the diced onions become glassy in appearance. Then add two handful sprouts and stir gently until the sprouts are blended with the other ingredients.



3... Season the fillings with salt & pepper, adjust seasoning according to your taste.

Let stand to cool down a bit before using the wrappers for the Spring Rolls.. Remember that the sprouts have water content, so If there is excess water after cooking, discard it.


Fold the 2 sides lengthwise....fold the one end facing you and roll carefully towards the end and seal it with a bit water using your finger to wet the other end of the wrapper.



In a casserole with hot cooking oil, deep-fry the Spring Rolls, then adjust the heat to medium turning the sides more than once or til color of the wrapper turns golden brown. Serve hot with chili sauce.



Hope you try this one.... it is really good and you can save a lot of money rather buying these from chinese restaurants.

Take precautions, keep safe and have a lovely Wednesday!


GIF by @gremayo
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