Eliminating and Preventing Black Magic with Bidara Leaves



Hello everyone
How are you today ? I hope all my friends are in good condition and do not lack anything. I also hope and pray for all of my friends to always be given health and happiness in living this life. It's been a long time since I've contributed to the Natural Medicine Community and I want to share my story this time.

Do you believe in mystical disorders? such as black magic, shaman or witchcraft? If you believe, please continue reading my story, and if you don't believe it or half believe it, I also beg you to continue reading it. Because, I also don't really believe in it but have experienced it several times. However, my story may be a new knowledge for friends in this community.

I live in Indonesia, which is in the Southeast Asia region. For information, the Indonesian people or the majority of Asian people strongly believe in mystical things, supernatural disorders, black magic or their relation to supernatural activities. You can see this and prove it with the persistence of pop culture horror in Indonesia, such as Indonesia. The best-selling movie of all time is a horror movie, YouTube content that is popular and has many subscribers, also about horror and conspiracy content, as well as other pop culture such as mystery magazines that you can find here.

The influence of traditional culture and customs, conventional religious beliefs united with the mindset of the people who are trapped in mystical logic makes Indonesians familiar with ghost stories, black magic attacks or spells to make businesses sell well. Make a successful business with the help of magic ? it may sound strange but if you go to Indonesia and just ask anyone on the street, you will definitely get an explanation.



Three days ago, I got a call from my family. He asked if I still have an arabic bidara tree that is more than five years old, he said he needed 999 arabic bidara leaves and asked for help to prepare and send them to his restaurant. He told me that his restaurant was attacked by mystical and black magic which made his business not sell well and threatened to go bankrupt.

I have a bidara tree in my house. I planted it in a large pot, the trunk of this tree is not too big, the leaves grow lush and also very fertile. First, let's talk about bidara trees and plants. Have you ever seen this plant? For friends who don't know or have never seen it, Bidara or Widara (Ziziphus mauritiana) is a kind of shrub in the form of a small tree that usually grows in the lowlands, dry land or in the desert. This plant has a fruit known as sidr fruit (Arabic), which is often made into sweets in the Middle East. Bidara fruit is rich in antioxidants and has a strong sweet and sour taste.

In the culture of Indonesia, the Middle East and several other countries. Many people believe that the bidara tree and bidara leaves are considered to be able to ward off magic attacks. Bidara leaves are widely used, because they are considered more practical to carry around. There are many ways to use it, usually the bidara leaves will be boiled with boiling water (like boiling tea) then, people who feel and experience magic disorders will drink it after reading the holy verses.

What if it's our business or our selling house that is affected by magic interference? Usually, a certain amount of bidara leaves will be soaked with water and the leaves are kneaded first so that the essence comes out. After that, the squeezed water of bidara leaves is sprinkled all over the house or our business location. My question is, if magic interference occurs in our online business, where will the bidara leaf water be sprinkled? is it on our laptop or pc?


I also plucked bidara leaves at my house, according to a request for help from my brother. I immediately sent it to my family and hoped that all business would return to normal as before, sometimes this kind of treatment is successful because of the positive affirmations we receive from the bidara leaf.

So, this is my story this time, believe it or not, but that's what happened. Do you also believe in magic interference? if so, how did you deal with it.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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