The Health Benefit of Justicia Carnea aka Blood of Jesus

When God created man He had good plans for us. All the food man eats is mainly from plant. The drugs/medicine we take most of them are gotten from plant, 90% of mans food are all gotten from plant.
God just knew that we are not going to survive without the plant in our environs so He created them.

Today I will be telling you the health benefits of Justicia Carneaalso known as Blood of Jesus.

This leaf out of many others is a blood booster. Several times this leaf has saved life. My mother drinks thrice in every week. She doesn't joke with it at all. She introduced me to it, although I've not been judicious in taking it, but the little time I do it has a way of reviving.

How to prepare it:-

First of all, cut the leaf from the bush or farm, wash it properly well, wash your pot, then put the leaf inside it, add water that wish will be sufficient for the leaf(at least a little above where the leaf stopped), keep it on the stove, allow it to steam till the water changes to red color, when it's done you bring it down seive it using a clean filter into a cup allow it to get warm or lukewarm then drink it.
You have to keep warming it each time you want to take it.

You are only permitted to drink from it twice or thrice after that pour out the content of the pot away, and cut a fresh Justicia Carnea then continue the same process.

Try this and thank me later 😁😁

I remain

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