Hello friends,

What an amazing long time of unplanned absence of mine. So many things have happened along the way both planned, unplanned events and unforeseen occurrences but nevertheless I thank God for life. So tell me dear friend – how has it been with you at this time?

Although this is my first article in this Natural Medicine community, I had been longing to be here and share my little ideas on health matters. So sit tight, fasten your seat belt lets sail along.

On my presentation as you have seen from the topic above, I want to talk a little about The Pumpkin with its fantastic health benefits.


The Pumpkins are tender annual plants that is planted here in Nigeria around March to April and it can grow year round depending on the type of soil it is growing on.

Pumpkins are creeping plant with weak stems that cannot stand upright, instead it spreads on the ground surface or on the fence when it attaches its stem to a wire and it creeps along the way provided the roots are still getting nourishments from the soil. The vine climbs anything it touches.

The Pumpkin is one of the many varieties of Cucurbita Maxima in the family of Cucurbitaceae. Here in Nigeria the Igbo speaking tribe calls it Anyu, the leaves are called Ugbogo or Ugbogoro, while the Yoruba speaking tribe calls it Elegede. When you cut the fruit open, the pulp is yellow in colour with mushy and tender flesh too. Every part of the Pumpkin is edible.


These very Pumpkin vegetable here was planted in mid early March 2022, it usually gets matured of the first edible leave within 30 to 37 days after it shoot up from the ground. Depending on the soil nutrients with the first 30 days, you will notice some of the plants are already growing faster than the others and are ready to be harvested. Since I have been growing them right from childhood, I already know when to cut the first mature leaves for a delicious vegetable soup.

The Pumpkin leaves are very healthy, nourishing and nutritious. It has a good amount of Vitamins. There is Vitamin A contained in the leaves because there is this bright feeling of good vision that we always noticed each time the vegetable is added to our meal. When you feed your body with a good amount of the Ugbogo Pumpkin leaves you will never experience night blindness.

Better eyesight

The eye is one of the most crucial parts of the body. It has no other substitute. That is why taking care of them should be your uttermost priority.
One of such ways is by eating the right foods and the right amount of nutrients.
Squash contains lots of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. The compound is what gives the fruits (the pulp) their yellow colour.
Therefore, it can help improve eyesight and reduce eye problems and risks associated with old age such as loss of sight.
More so, it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two major antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals.
The compounds also protect the retina. Thus, it reduces the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. It plays a very important role in maintaining eye health.

It also contains Vitamin C because our grand parents will tell us to eat a good quantity of the vegetable to avoid any respiratory issues. These vegetables sprout and grow fast during the rainy seasons and the leaves contains a lot of water that gives it an added advantage to nourish and protect the cells. When you eat the Pumpkin leaves, it will also help in the prevention of constipation, even if you do not drink a lot of water after your food. Because it’s a rich source of fibre it will help to solidify your stool as the body absorbs the water content from the vegetables.

It is richly packed with antioxidants and also protects the heart and enables a good night sleep.

The most beautiful aspect of this vegetable is its rapid growth and seed bearing as it creeps on the fence freely.

Boost immune system

Minerals, vitamins, and other vital nutrients like protein help to boost the immune system. It makes it fit to fight diseases and infections.
Vitamin A, C, and E, iron, protein, zinc (majorly in the seeds), and folate increases immune system defense and functions.
Fortunately, you can find these nutrients loaded in squash. A good immune system also fights allergies and reduced flu symptoms.

There is no doubt about the Calcium and Iron content of the Pumpkin leaves. You will always get energized full of strength and vitality when you eat the vegetable soup of the Ugbogo Pumpkin leave.


The Pumpkin seeds look like Melon seed and its colour of light brown comes with an almost inseparable dark coating. It can be Cooked and eaten alongside with the pumpkin fruit.

You can sun dry the seeds and grind them to powder form then add about half teaspoon to your tea, source, stew or any food you are eating as it serves an excellent healing effect for Prostate cancer issues. It strengthens and heals the Prostate gland. It also strengthen the bladder and treats any urinary tract infections. Because of the various vitamins contained in the seed like Vitamin A, C, E and iron, protein, zinc and folate all these gives it an added advantage to build the immune system.

The seeds may help decrease the risk of prostate cancer in men, neutralize free radicals, preventing them from damaging the cells. It also has the ability to heal up the destroy any cancerous cells in the prostate gland.

The seeds contain phytosterols that work to prevent benign prostate enlargement.

As one of the best natural sources of magnesium, they are good for your blood pressure, blood sugar levels as well as heart and bone health. Since pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc, they may improve sperm quality.

Am very proud of planting the Pumpkin seed and tendering it till this moment that its still bearing fruit and rich vegetables. The tender leaves are a source of oxygen and cool air in my compound and a contributing aid to the green-house effect as it counters air pollution.

Wishing every member of this community good health and better living. Just continue maintaining your health with nature endowed resources.

See you in my next article.

All the pictures taken with my Umidigi A7S Smart phone.

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