How smoothies treat my acne? Two Recipes Share

To begin with, I'll show you a photo of my skin from 5 years ago.


I didn't feel like myself, I was embarrassed, lost my confidence, and quit my job.
I was in complete despair for ten years because of the breakouts. It wasn't until I started changing my eating habits, I realized everything was coming from within. I'm sure you've splurged on high-end skincare products or crammed your face with dozens of special facial treatments in hopes of clearing your skin. However, every time you look in the mirror, trying to find the clear skin you desire, it seems to let you down. I've been there.

Today, I'm going to share two of the most effective smoothies that I've been drinking for the past year. Now I'm not only feeling prettier on the inside but also healthier and stronger. No more acne, the add-on is the glow as well. Make sure to pack and stack your fridge with these juicy things from nature.

My skin has improved alot.

Smoothies that are high in detox and skin-glow ingredients will make your day. Adding one or two smoothies per day, in place of one or two meals, is all you need, nothing out of the ordinary.

Hydration smoothie

Hydration, it seems, has been stressed to me a thousand times. Getting enough fluids for your body is the only way to keep your skin hydrated and look more hydrated. Cucumber and aloe vera are therefore effective. Cucumbers and aloe, when combined, prevent wrinkles and give skin a healthy glow by providing a boost of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and water.

The smoothie is even more potent when combined with banana and chia seeds. Try it now. All of this produces a significant amount of vitamins, which helps to speed up skin cell turnover, allowing your new, lustrous skin to emerge.



  • A cucumber
  • 2 small aloe vera leaves (I would rather keep the green layers for my smoothie)
  • One banana (for sweetness, so if you want more of the flavor, let's take two bananas)
  • a spoon of chia seeds
  • Some strawberries (or fruits of your choice)

This smoothie recipe helps keep breakouts at bay after at least 10 days into the routine. Trust me, I've tried it over and over when I have acne around the periodic days. Take two smoothies a day if you want to detox your digestive system and clear your skin faster.

Anti-aging smoothie

Spinach, purple cabbage, banana, beetroot, and chia seeds are all excellent sources of antioxidants. These ingredients combine to form a blend of anti-oxidants, protein, and fibers that are beneficial to your body's muscles and fat reduction. Beetroots are also a well-known liver detoxifying component.



  • A handful of spinach
  • Some purple cabbage
  • One small beetroot
  • a teaspoon of chia seeds
  • Some banana (one frozen or fresh)

The two recipes above will have a significant impact on your skin after two weeks, simply include more smoothies in your daily routine if you want to push it a bit faster. I guarantee it will make you feel good from the inside out.
The recipes do not have to be fixed. You may always add your favorite fruits or greens to make it your own. Just be patient, and consistent. Feeling content with what you have now. Things are going to work out in the end.

Thank you :)

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