🕊 ecoTrain & NaturalMedicine Presents..."What Would A Holistic Doctor Say?" Ask Dr Mathew Joseph any medical or health related question and learn how Natural Medicine works in practice!

Do you have any health or medical issues you would like to resolve? This week ecoTrain, Natural Medicine and Pure Thai Naturals (@artemislives) are teaming up to present you with a very special opportunity to learn first hand about how to heal ourselves with a holistic approach with a very special Doctor turned Integrative Medicine Consultant and Practitioner, Dr. Mathew Joseph MBBS, MD.

Mathew was an allopathic doctor and surgeon, and converted to holistic and natural medicine many years ago, and has agreed to answer our heath or medical questions from a natural medicine or holistic healing perspective. This is a special opportunity to consult with someone who I can only describe as masterful!

Mathew integrates his knowledge of conventional western medicine, acquired over 25 years of experience at leading hospitals in India and Internationally, with new skills and knowledge gained from the study of herbal medicine, Ayurveda, acupressure and other alternative therapeutic practices. So, don't by shy, ask away because you never know what you will discover!

I would like to begin by giving a huge thank you to @mathewjoseph for donating his time to take on this special event with us, and for giving what are effectively going to be Free Consultations to those of you who comment and ask questions. What makes this opportunity that much more special is Dr Mathews himself. It is one thing to know the theory and have knowledge about Holistic medicine and how to treat and heal the body. It is quite another thing to have the skills, temperament, intuitiveness, compassion and experience needed to be able to help others heal themselves effectively. I first met Dr Mathew when he visited my home around 6 years ago. I was unable to even sit, and had been in continuous incredible pain for over a week. This was about as bad as lower back pain could get, and I was completely crippled. Using only gentle acupressure and a few stretches, and about 30 minutes of time, I was suddenly and unexpectedly able to not only sit, but also stand and walk!

If you have any personal medical issues such as back pain, sciatica, heart problems, digestive issues, allergies, or symptoms like low-energy or depression that you have not been able to shift, then this is a special opportunity to ask your questions in the comments of this post and find out what a Holistic Doctor would say! This opportunity is not so much about getting a diagnosis, or specific treatment for a problem (although that may happen for some of you); as it is learning and understanding the priorities and way of thinking with holistic medicine. As Mathew says:

"Whether it's someone with an auto-immune disease, hypertension, asthma, endocrine disorder or such, my effort is to seek and correct the IMBALANCE which is the root cause. "

If you are learning or practicing natural medicine this is also a wonderful opportunity to read the different questions and see what Mathews comments and responses are, as well as to ask your own questions.

There are times when allopathic (modern) medicine runs out of options, or what you are doing simply isn't working. Maybe you are tired of painkillers, or are stuck on various medicines to help keep certain symptoms at bay! What makes holistic medicine special is that it diagnoses and treats the whole person, and the root causes of illness or disease using a large range of options. Holistic treatments can take many forms and can be as simple as learning some stretches, or a few acupressure points to push. It may involve making changes to our lifestyle, as well as taking natural medicines like flower essences, homoeopathy etc.. There is no magic pill though, and holistic treatments are normally given along with dietary and lifestyle changes that need to be made to bring our bodies back in balance. Holistic Practice treats and heals the entire person and not just an organ or specific symptom.

About @mathewjoseph

A former physician for several years in India and Bermuda, Mathew now exclusively practices natural medicine and integrative bodywork in Australia. Mathew Joseph is an Integrative Medicine Consultant and Practitioner with 25 years of experience in Modern Medicine and Holistic Medicine. Mathew has a Wide range of skills in Alternative therapies including Traditional Thai Acupressure, Chi Nei Tsang, Reflexology and Naturopathy. Mathew conducts corporate and school Wellness Workshops, as well as specialised Health and Wellness workshops for Musicians and Music schools. Distance, online telephone and video consults available. Mathews approach to naturopathy reflects his commitment to sustainable wellness and is centred around the traditional 5 element system, utilising herbs and supplements only when necessary.

A Few Testimonials

I have not met even one dissatisfied patient. Although his appointment book is full for many days ahead, he never turns you away if it is an emergency, somehow fitting you in. I don't know of any other doctor who calls patients, whom he is particularly concerned about, on a daily basis to enquire how they are, and sometimes to adjust the medication.
His compassion, his skill and knowledge, his humility and enquiring mind make Dr Mathew a true healer.
J.K [Kodaikanal, India]

HIMAL Clinic is such a special place. It isn't often that one can find the sort of care offered by Dr. Mathew; a safe place to talk through what is disturbing your body or mind, sound medical advice, and a variety of treatments and techniques employed in a holistic way to treat and heal you. I've seen Dr. Mathew for a variety of ailments and have always left HIMAL feeling better than when I walked in. From reflexology to chi nei tsang, I have learned a great deal about where I tend to have blockages or problems in my body and also how to prevent these issues in the future and how to heal myself should the need arise.
M.C [U.S.A]

I am writing to recommend Dr. Mathew Joseph, not only a skilled M. D. but also an accomplished practitioner of Alternative Medicine.
Because of severe back pain due to lifelong scoliosis, I was referred to Dr. Mathew recently. Since I had had spinal meningitis as a child, I had little hope that my recurrent neck and back pain would ever be relieved.
Yet, even after the first treatment, during which Dr. Mathew gave manual therapeutics and massage, I began to feel a noticeable relaxation, especially in my lower back where I had been experiencing sharp pain that prevented me from sleeping properly.
Since that first session, I have returned for four more treatments, and I can honestly say that it has been several decades since I have felt almost totally free from tension and pain in my neck and back.
I plan to continue these treatments as often as possible -- once or twice each week -- as long as I am here in India. where I make my home for several months each year. I plan to return to my home in the United States at the end of May. And I am happy to say that I also plan to return without the back pain that I have learned to live with most of my life. I am seventy-eight years old now, and with this kind of relief, I know I will live much longer.
Dr. Mathew is one of the reasons I will look forward to returning to India each year.
R.G [U.S.A]

Dr Mathew is hands down the finest doctor and healer I have had the fortune to meet. He has taken care of many health issues in a manner that I can only describe as masterful. I was relieved of incredible back problems that had me in severe pain for two weeks. Within 45 minutes I was pain free and walking again. This was to me a miracle, and showed me how well he knows the body.
Many other issues have been resolved simply because Dr Mathew takes the time to listen carefully and diagnose me correctly. I have been diagnosed several times perfectly, even after many other allopathic and holistic doctors have not managed to do so. This has allowed swift treatment and a good recovery in all cases.
I can't recommend Dr Mathew enough. You are surely in very good hands when you visit.
A.L [U.K]

I am well. A year ago I was diagnosed as hypertensive and was advised to see a doctor. It was my good fortune to meet Dr. Mathew Joseph and be taken under his intuitive care. I come away after every treatment with him with a great sense of well being. Indeed at 85 he keeps me well. I am well.
P.R. [U.K]

I hope we will all learn a lot through this process, I am really looking forward to reading both the questions and certainly the answers to the questions that you ask! I feel like just reading them will teach me so much about Holistic Medicine and how to apply it to our own lives. Mathew has a lot of wisdom and knowledge to share, so that we may have a better understanding of what Holistic Medicine is really all about. Please feel free to ask about any medical issue you have, whether or not its something you have spoken to a doctor about. Who knows, maybe you will find the answer to a long standing niggle that you have given up trying to fix!

How To Participate?

We're keeping this very simple. If you would like to ask Mathew a question then please do so in the comments below. We will continue to keep this going for 7 days, during which time Mathew will answer as many of your questions as he can. If we are deluged with a lot of questions, Mathew will answer those that he feels he can best help.

When asking your questions please try to keep them brief BUT include any information that you think is relevant, including anything your doctor may have said.

Please include the following information in your questions:

Diet (Non Vegetarian/ Vegetarian/ Vegan etc):

Please mention if you think you eat well, or what your typical meal might consist of.
Daly Activity / Exercise:
Please mention your lifestyle / fitness, and how much exercise you do in general
Any other issues:

I will curate the comments along with the @NaturalMedicine Tribe and @artemislives (and of course anyone reading this post), to ensure that the most relevant and important questions and answers are seen by everyone.

If we find that there are many similar questions, we may comment with a link to that thread for you to read


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Doing so means that we won't be aware of the comments in your cross-post, and it will fragment this collaboration.

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OR, if you want to share this post in a community then write your own short post about it and share the link. If you are concerned about a post with a link and not much text being viewed in a negative way, you can set the reward option to burn 🔥 or decline when you post. LIKE THIS. THANK YOU!

Whilst You're Here:

Mathew is not only a great teacher, but is also a fantastic musician, producer and composer. Mathew has a lot of his work on-line and even some on Steem! If you are interested to listen, please check it out here:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3thJquMnhrDJ0dU06Jo9jN?si=CVbNdutRSPm9WLR9aa98BA
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/au/artist/mathew-joseph/46675696
Bandcamp: https://mathewjoseph.bandcamp.com



EDIT: Due to a posting glitch the beneficiaries didn't work so I will send the rewards to Mathew manually at the end.

This post and all comments from @mathewjoseph, @eco-alex, @riverflows, @artemislives, @archange, and any other participants are meant for educational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.



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