Intro to Channeling Anything - Divination & More

Greetings Everyone! Today I thought of making a post delving deeper into the concept of channeling.
When he hear about channeling we may think of some people who are acting to gain money but channeling is more than simply an act, in fact, the best acting IS channeling,

What is Channeling Anyway?

Channeling is the attunement to a specific stream of information based on a specific context which it is related to, usually channeling is taught in a way of meditation practice however anyone can channel and in my opinion am everyone IS channeling all the time.


Example and putting it into Context

Ever listened to music and being so absorbed to it that you danced it remembered the lyrics, that's part channeling. Channeling is a flow and when one follows that flow they become one when the flow since the flow itself is what that thing is. If you attune therefore to a anything's flow which gives rise to said thing, then you become that thing. This is of course borderline crossing the psychic field so I will leave it at that for now and for a future post.

What does it take to Channel?

Channeling requires a couple of things, primary one is to be able to sustain a consistent connection with the object of your choosing, if you want you can channel even your own organs and they can communicate with you, channeling is not uncommon in real life as a practice, one of the professional ways of channeling is method acting which we will delve deeper into future posts, for now all you need to know is that you can channel by simply being absorbed into something like a context but when you do, that context becomes the object of channeling.
Attuning to any stream of information as such requires a certain level of being interested and curious, if you are curious about something then the source of your channeling will communicate based on its own experience.

Honestly it is not as simple to explain in one post as channeling is part of a bigger whole of phenomena, which are related to resonance.


If you want to channel lets say your higher self, then you have to allow any expectations of what that may be to cease for a moment and to allow for anything that could be that higher self to settle in, see yourself as one with that, to the point where there is no subject and object, both are one and at that moment since you are the object you seek to communicate with, your communication will be possible.

How to ask questions?

Simply be curious without imposing your own expected answers and the answers shall come.

"It is impossible for one to learn that which one thinks one already knows"

This means that if you impose your answers, if you ask your question while having a set of expected outcomes, then you are blocking any possible outcome from the true source of your questioning, that's because you answer your own questions based on your own presuppositions.

Generally curiosity is something we should keep in mind for future reference, as it is indeed of high importance when it comes to this explorative journey.
To simplify it, we are given curiosity to move anywhere, nothing can function without some aspect of it being driven by curiosity and without that, we would not be interested, so someone who thinks he knows most things that there are to know, they have weakened their curiosity... they become more stagnant in life.


If that is the case one of the things to do is to challenge your own knowledge and always have some space in there of a possible "and what if not?" or "and what if something else is true?" our knowledge is easily challenged after all and for a good reason, it derives from duality and duality itself can cancel it out to nothingness and within that nothingness we "rest" and we "reset".

Divine Channeling (Divination)

we channel anything that can fulfill our curiosity, as long as what we are curious about contributes to the greater whole then the system which is interested in our contribution and at the same time has the knowledge we see, "it" will connect with us if we allow the opportunity and send us the information in blocks of information which our brain simply translates into concepts.


Channeling is an art of its own and arts utilize it.
a piece of art, poetry, music, acting is made often by channeling, by manifesting (yes, manifesting) that which is not yet, an idea, a vision, into reality by channeling what is necessary to bring it into reality (yes there can be a process).

There is more to channeling to talk about like how an identity is part of channeling, how alerted states related to channeling and so on.
You can create a specific personality and the more you embody it the more you become that and the more you become that, the idea of that personality manifests into reality. Either through embodiment or by bringing it out in some way (Hello Comic Makers! Your Manifestations of your favorite Archetypes is always Welcomed! Now finally on Cinema and Games!)


Yep, it may occur as odd but a lot of Artists manifest Personas such as Archetypes, albeit altered.
Hopefully that helps to gain some more clarity regarding channeling.
I do not want to tire you further, I will post more in the future about method acting and how it relates to channeling, all my posts are correlated in one way or another so keep that in mind.

There is a lot of information out there and I am attempting to demystify a lot of it because personally as a young fellow I was told to simply believe but that only takes us so far, with no understanding its just random. So be aware and be your own skeptic, channeling can be part of fraud but also can be part of real artistry.


That about sums it up, I hope it helps and more shall come in future posts, I plan to go deeper into certain aspects of this topic and more topics of course.

Thanks for Reading and have a Wonderful Day 🙏

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✍️Author(s): DeepSpiral (aka: TwinDenis, TheDenis, Dennis K.)
⚠️Disclaimers: I am not a medical, financial or legal professional advisor, if you need help seek advice from an appropriate professional depending on the case. Materials in this Post can be Opinions and not to be taken as facts unless a relevant source is cited, always do your own research for the topics discussed.
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Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash.
Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay.
Photo by Gerhard C. on Pixabay.
Photo by Michelle Koebke on Pixabay.
Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Pixabay.

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