Importance of Nasal Breathing

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share something I had a feeling about, but didn't really know a whole lot until recently! Breathing through our nose is important!


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Importance of Nasal Breathing

When we sleep, most of us generally breathe through our nose which is the natural way, versus breathing through our mouths. We've been having some issues lately which has led us down this rabbit hole, and it's quite interesting why it's important to get the root causes of the issue fixed so we can get back to breathing through our mouth!

We've all been there - you're sick or got allergies and your nose is all jacked up and stuffy so you have to breathe through your mouth. You don't sleep very well because it doesn't feel natural and that's because it's not! Breathing through our nose versus our mouth, something very basic and simple, is quite a big difference when it comes to our physiology! There are all kinds of negative health consequences that arise from breathing through our mouths all the time. source


Recently one of us in my family have been having these issues. Besides the snoring which is certainly annoying, some of these other complications have arisen and it's been a challenge to manage them! We didn't really realize how much of an effect it has on us until we started to look into it more from a different perspective and boy is it surprising!

Breathing and sleeping are one of those things that we definitely take advantage of, as with so many other things related to our bodies, because they generally work well! When one of those things gets disrupted, it really throws us for a loop. That's certainly one of the things we've been realizing and trying to manage ourselves. There are a host of things that can occur to cause nasal stuffiness so it's not an easy thing to just decide one day that we aren't going to be dealing with a stuffy nose anymore. Certainly we could take medication to temporarily reduce or eliminate the stuffiness but that's not a viable solution in all honesty. You need to get to the root cause of an issue to deal with it!


It's been a journey trying to figure out what is causing the stuffiness; is it seasonal allergies, food allergies, dental issues? The possibilities are quite numerous and it's important that we take it one step at a time, which is what we are doing, although the process is certainly not fast. I think one of the issues in the world today that we are dealing with is the notion that something should be fixed overnight. Yeah the things that get fixed overnight are usually ones that don't end well in the long run! You can cut, medicate or forcibly do something that may eliminate the one problem but it can lead to a vast host of other issues down the line. This is where the true problem lies. It's so important to address the root of the issue than trying to cut away at the periphery because once you cut away, it's very difficult or impossible to get those other things back!


Armed with knowledge, we are certainly hoping to address the root cause of the mouth breathing at night so we can alleviate or eliminate further complications that arise in the future!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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