Mainstream 'social' 'media', mental health and freedom

Dearest Natural Medicine friends,

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I wanted to share a little around a subject which has been core to my creative career and social connectedness - censorship, and the gradual elimination of real things, real folk and natural activities from our everyday.

When I got locked out - yet again! - from (a very tentative attempt to be reconnected via) Instagram yesterday, it brought up the very distinct neuroses of being rejected and isolated.

I let these worries rumble around in my mind, I painted them out expressively, spoke out-loud some voice messages to friends, and then went about the practicalities of organising to stay in contact with folks-who-use-mainstream-much-more-than-myself.

There was a beautiful feeling of completion about this; about yet-again drawing a line under my attempts to speak the language of the mainstream, and to keep interweaving and co-creating with friends I've known in the past.

But this time around, I sensed a conscious realisation of completing a cycle that resonates through all the dimensions: this effort-full-ness to fit in, by framing my reality in a way that works for the 'main' 'stream'm but which ultimately distracts, limits and atrophies my energy.

Myriad streams of thinking came from this decision to go with the locking-out, in particular the feeling of relief, of weight off of my shoulders, of freeing up of energetic body, as I no longer am forcing myself into this very ill-fitting costume.

So much of the language of mainstream is subtle and purposeful obfuscating: we don't recognise what we're particpating in, until we're outside of it. By its 'nature', mainstream thinking is consuming - it kind of folds us in on our self, by pulling us out of the Natural Power of Expansiveness-Expression-Vitality that is our inalienable Right.

details from a painting of mine

I want to be 'in touch' and 'connected' with family and friends, especially with the loss of folks close to me in recent months, and with the closing in of the agendas to control and keep us all deeply stupid and unwell. I crave the sense of community that used to come so easily, but which I now know to have been very unrooted, very superficial. I still romanticise the collective, and the feeling of - even superficially! - being part of this bigger fabric of our shared experience.

And yet, I am beginning to recognise that the real connectedness is a completely different dimension: it is the magical interwoven-ness of all things, which is rooted inalienably in sacred geometry, domestic alchemy, synchrony and coincidence, harmony and balance.

These positive qualities are timeless and omnipresent: where there is the deepest multi-dimensional connection and resonation with others, there is no need for any container, time-limit, rules or manipulations: all simply unfolds in ease and right-direction.

This does mean on the practical level, a great reduction in physical proximity 'connection', as the matrix is a very different form in the actual underlying reality. We are like powerful pressure points across Gaia Sophia bridging, channelling, radiating. And we need to be spread out this way, to correct the fabric of the whole: we are all in the perfect positioning, at the right time, in the unfolding of all things.

details from a painting of mine

This is an important mental ideal to embody: our right time and place; to feel that throughout our Be-ing. To feel at home in not just our body but our mind, the fullness our auric field extending... to Know all of this as One, and our part in it to be meaning-full.

The mainstream thrives on our distractedness and the clouding of our identity, and it throws everything that it has - all this psychological twisting, all its advertising and power of swaying - into keeping us from this feeling of One-ness with All Things. It can only exist and function through a large population being plugged in, being distracted into temporary over-stimulation and instant (very superficial!!) gratification of our immediate senses.

In divine rootedness, we can easily see how this distractedness and addiction to the illusion of connection is not a valuable pass-time - nor a means to any useful end. It will eat our hours and devour our capacity to grow spiritually, because it takes us out of Source and into an external illusion of 'source'.

Real connection comes through living conversation, living sharing, open-ended and open-spirited inter-relating. The difference between mainstream and decentralised (i.e. actually) social medias, is subtle in some ways, but very clear when we take it all apart: a true relationship with others comes through being truly witnessed, and we can only witness a finite number of others fully, in a day. The idea that we can 'serve' a passive audience of masses, by their clicking through our post in a micro-second already onto the next one, passively consuming our treasures we've churned out...

There is very little that can be powerfully communicated via a tiny square of pixels on a screen on the move and in the context of a massive flow of other tiny pixelated words and pictures. One might even suggest... nothing: the act of throwing the 'content' out there via the mainstream, using hooks and psychological tweaking to pull folks in - is inherently codependent contraction. And ultimately is designed to keep us all taking hte pill of tiny squares of lessening stimulation, instead of communing with that which is around us.

As I'm writing this, I'm aware of the sound of our waterfall cascading down the marble tiers, nearby. The birds are tootelling and the cool breeze is wafting the acacia trees about with their new blossoms and vibrant greeenery. When I reach a point in my thinking, I look up out over the green canopy and to the mountains opposite, about 10 km away on the south side of the Sannio valley. My mind reaches into Nature to clarify my thoughts and gestate them into meaning-full resonance with what I want to transmit. I am glad to be free of another distraction, and happy to put down the weight of feeling like it is my responsability to keep a foot in mainstream to help it transition into a better world. The better world is already right here, and always has been, and folks will leave the world of over-stimulated distraction in their own time.

LovE to you!



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