Healing Breast Cancer


Ciao Natural Health Friends and Enthusiasts,

This morning I was drawn to a post on Hive, and it stimulated a strong feeling about what is wrong in conventional 'health' approaches: it is a very mainstream indoctrinational post, which is about breast cancer, but which misses multiple vital points about avoiding and healing breast cancer.

I felt called to comment, and then to expand on this comment here: I've been talking with many natural health friends lately, about the importance of speaking more openly about Real, Holistic Health, and how it is inalienable and fully available to us at all times. We need to keep reminding each other of this!!

The conventional and mainstream medical approach COMPLETELY MISSES OUT all the most important points, always, because it is focussed on the pathology and NEVER THE REAL SOLUTION!! Doctors cannot support the truth of healing, because it cannot be profited from: this elephant in the room is ignored and diminished at best, but these are times in which we have to speak up - not raise our voices, always, but simply say What Is So.

This month, I witnessed yet again, the interference of the medical system, in the natural autonomy of yet another beloved friend who first is diagnosed (with a 'terminal dis-ease'), and immediately KNOWS that they do NOT want to be treated aggressively... They reach out, to me, to other friends, immerse themselves in reasearch into alternative options... They are motivated and focussed... UNTIL they have their first consultation with the hospital: they are told multiple lies, myriad Truths are omitted, and they leave FULLY CHARGED with a new perspective of a) urgency, b) the extreme danger and stupidity of NOT doing the conventional, and c) examples of folks who didn't do the chemo and died. Their autonomy is whipped out from under their very brains, and they are on a conveyor belt to... We all know where. This happens whether it is caught early, or whether this is the end game; the same language is used, in cultures around the world, the precise same concepts and lies, and the precise same coercion and fearmongering. In a vulnerable and unsure state, of course a dis-eased soul will cling onto a life-raft if they (are convinced to) perceive themselves to be drowning.

I am sick to my core with watching this precise recipé cook the women and men that I love. The babies and children. The minds of integral beings, whipped out and inverted and put back in. It is not Right, and we need to be so attent to calling it out, and reminding each other, all of us, how simple whole, real health Is.


The following are some basic notes on breast health in relation to cancer, and on what is wrong with the conventional approach.
  • Most importantly, women in mainstream are often profoundly disassociated from their breasts, and do not touch them or massage them daily, as they should. The de-sanctifying of the body in general, but breasts and pelvis in particular, is directly related to the suppression of our inherently Divine Creative Nature as Womb-Ones: the breasts are supposed to radiate great light and love, as direct beacons of heart and connectedness. This relationship can be revived through breathing, visualisation and working holistically with the bodymindspirit.

  • A deconstructed view of the breast as an 'object' and as separate from heart, from breathing, from love and from our relationship-with-all-things is the problem, as is our giving of authority of Divine Healing Capacity to an external body. The medical model uses the same separation of mind and body that the porn industry uses, and this is highly destructive to the whole fabric of teh identity of woman as an individual and as a collective.

  • The wearing of bras is a major obstruction to the lymphatic system and the sacred breast's capacity to keep circulation and energy flowing about the breast and body, and this prevalent habit has been proved to be a direct link to cancer. Especially ill-fitting bras, or wearing a bra for more than a couple of hours, can be extremely detrimental to breast health, and have accumulative long-term consequences.

The best thing we can do for women to empower them to heal their breasts, is encourage them to take this power into their own hands, literally. Whatever unique relationship we have with our breasts, if it is not one of Divine Love, Pleasure, and Good Feeling as part of a healthy Whole, we must work towards it being so.
  • Massaging our own breasts, and tuning in to precisely what comes up mentally or emotionally, physically and in our imaginal realm, will help us concentrate where there is more Love needing to be poured in. Any and every negative thought or painful sensation can be transformed through, again, breathing, visualisation and intention.

  • Until all of us are standing up straight and strong and beaming beautiful waves of love and health from our breasts, we should be encouraging each other at all and every opportunity to recognise where we are not potentialising the good health of our feminine body.

  • There are myriad non-mainstream science fields which have a holistic approach and which provide intensive transformative healing with extremely high success rates (where implemented properly and efficiently): Gerson Therapy in particular is a very straightforward and methodical approach, which works from the core to clear the eliminatory organs and thus to stir up and then flush out all toxic debris in our cells: the full therapy is a lot to take in, but there are various levels of the juicing and enema programme which can be adapted to any stage of cancer, and bring the body back to FULL HEALTH.

Do the research, if you want to know accessible and available cures for cancer, rather than perpetuating the fiction that fear of our body and relinqueshing our sacred container up to the knife and to saturation with chemicals is the only option.

I am freely available to support, signpost or inspire any women on this subject; we should not be profiting from women's disease, but inspiring women to love their bodies - and to KNOW their INNATE HEALING CAPACITY.




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