Head versus Embodiment

▶️ Listen on Aureal

--Ciao beautiful Hive friends,

This is episode 2 of the What On Earth Is Happening Right Now? series: it speaks at length around how our conscious is limited by our using our front-lobe 'logical' brain, rather than working from sentience and whole-bodymindspiritcosmos activated awareness-in-the-now.

Natural Law is very simple, very straightforward and effortless, however the layers of superfluous clutter which we carry around and act out in our everyday mainstream rituals, are very complex to unravel.

Sometimes I think that we will evolve consciously in a holistic, intuitive way - as a whole, rather than our consciously unravelling ourselves one by one; I sense from my conversations with folks around me, that there is a rapidly-increasing openness to the interconnectedness of things, of deeper meaning and fabric to all things. This is a strong sign that we are changing, no matter how the everyday appears to be the same.

We change through the microcosm-as-macrocosm, and vice-versa: positive influence and growth come from Source within and from Source out-with. We can align with this dynamic force of change, rather than resisting it - but mostly it is a matter of letting go.

Many blessings to all,


▶️ Aureal

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